相關物件共 6
-UbuDSL (beta 1) (2008.08.07)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
-UbuDSL (alpha 4) (2008.07.29)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
-UbuDSL (alpha 2) (2008.05.03)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
-UbuDSL UbuDSL 0.9 beta (2008.01.19)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
ST Unicorn-II USB ADSL晶片組獲Vista認證 (2007.04.03)
意法半導體(ST)宣佈其高整合度的Unicorn II USB ADSL(非同步數位用戶迴路)晶片組可同時支援32位元和64位元兩個版本的Windows Vista,且已通過微軟WHQL(視窗硬體品質實驗室)認證,數據機廠商可以利用這個晶片組來生產價格低於10歐元的ADSL USB數據機組
ST Unicorn II晶片組將大幅降低整體系統成本 (2004.10.21)
ST推出立即可用的Unicorn II USB(通用序列埠)ADSL(非同步數位用戶迴路)晶片組,能將整體系統成本大幅降低至業界最低的程度。新元件能讓製造商以低於10歐元的價格製造出ADSL USB數據機套裝產品

1 Microchip全新車載充電器解決方案 支援車輛關鍵應用
2 [COMPUTEX] Supermicro機櫃級隨插即用液冷AI SuperCluster支援NVIDIA Blackwell
3 [COMPUTEX] 慧榮全新USB顯示單晶片 搶攻多螢與超高解析擴充市場
4 R&S推出RT-ZISO隔離探針測量系統 用於快速切換信號精確測量
5 安森美第7代IGBT模組協助再生能源簡化設計並降低成本
6 貿澤即日起供貨Renesas搭載RISC-V CPU核心的32位元MCU
7 安勤為自主機器智能打造新款 AI 工業電腦
8 凌華科技ARM開放式架構觸控電腦正式上市
9 FlexEnable柔性顯示技術創新產品目前已出貨
10 Littelfuse新款低側柵極驅動器適用於SiC MOSFET和高功率IGBT


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