相關物件共 66
一款讓您驗證您的HTML文件更快,更容易在PC的工具軟體-CSE HTML Validator Professional 10.01 (2011.01.09)
讓您驗證您的HTML文檔以更快,更容易在PC,與網路認證服務的工具!-CSE HTML Validator Professional 10.0031 (2010.09.30)
應用伺服架構下的P2P技術-3 (2010.07.27)
P2P 的應用,是建立在點對點的資料分享上,並且期望能夠透過這樣的技術,建立起用於廣大網路中資源分享的共用基礎。
-Axyl (2010.07.24)
A PHP library/framework for the development of websites. The main features are: database independence, template-driven content, theme-able content generation, integrated WML generation, user content management, Lucene server integration
兩款WAP技術白皮書-WAP技術白皮書 2.0 (2009.11.04)
WML 1.3語言參考指南-WML 1.3語言參考指南 1.3 (2009.11.04)
WML 1.3語言參考指南
-wml/xhtml gateway 0.1 beta (2008.08.13)
WML/XHTML Gateway is php application that work like common web based proxy which converts the result into wml or xhtml compatible page (without javascript or style) on the fly
-phpHtmlLib 3.0.0 (2007.09.28)
A set of PHP classes and library functions to help build, debug, and render XML, HTML, XHTML, WAP/WML Documents, and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) images as well as complex html 'widgets' .
-GeeksXmlKit 0.1 (2007.05.14)
Geeks XML Kit is an ASP.NET 2.0 HttpHandler which can generate any XML content (including but not limiting to XHTML, XHTML-MP, WML, RSS, SVG) from XML files using XSL Transformations. It is somehow inspired by AxKit project (http://axkit
一個功能不錯的網頁編輯系統-AceHTML Pro 6.6 (2007.05.10)
-quickmail.php quickmail.061206-1 (2007.05.09)
quickmail.php is a script that reads email from a mail server and outputs it in RSS format that can be displayed in a browser (as XML, using included XSL/CSS) or RSS aggregator or as WML for use on WAP devices (mobile phones/PDAs)
應用伺服架構下的P2P技術 (2007.05.03)
P2P 的應用,是建立在點對點的資料分享上,並且期望能夠透過這樣的技術,建立起用於廣大網路中資源分享的共用基礎。
-FREE WAP PHP SCRIPTS CENTER converters (2007.04.12)
Free WAP, WML, xHTML php scripts archive!!! Chat, forum, grabber, spammer, guestbook, services, tool, wap ftp, statistics, games, search, news, datind, wap portal, sms, downloads centre top sites scripts!!! With and without m
-SynWeb 1.4.140 (2007.04.03)
SynWeb is an advanced highlighter for (Uni)SynEdit for PHP, (X)HTML, WML, CSS, JS. It has much more features than TSynMultiSyn and works about 2-10 times faster. Included also SynTokenMatch - inteligment brace/token matching, html tags, begin->end, etc
不用撰寫程式碼的 Web 應用程式平台-Lucidium Application Platform 4.0.0 (2007.01.19)
不用撰寫程式碼的 Web 應用程式平台
-SynWeb 1.3.100 (2006.12.09)
SynWeb is an advanced highlighter for (Uni)SynEdit for PHP, (X)HTML, WML, CSS, JS. It has much more features than TSynMultiSyn and works about 2-10 times faster. Included also SynTokenMatch - inteligment brace/token matching, html tags, begin->end, etc
-Axyl 2.1.7 (2006.10.20)
A PHP library/framework for the development of websites. The main features are: database independence, template-driven content, theme-able content generation, integrated WML generation, user content management, Lucene server integration
一個功能不錯的網頁編輯系統-AceHTML Pro 6.50.2 (2006.09.29)
-Hypertext Builder 2006 (2006.08.01)
Hypertext Builder is an XHTML editor that combines visual capabilities with powerful coding tools. Visual tools are provided for creating lists, tables, frames, formatted paragraphs, and image maps. Other features include popup references for tags, attributes, ASP, PHP4, and database schema as well as XHTML color-coding and more
一個功能不錯的網頁編輯系統-AceHTML Pro 6.5 (2006.04.12)

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1 美光最低延遲創新主記憶體MRDIMM正式送樣
2 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相機具備 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
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4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
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