相關物件共 51
筆電觸控面板三大技術趨勢 (2013.11.05)
觸控筆電價格過高被認為是銷售不如預期的主要因素, 低成本觸控面板解決方案為此衍生而出, 本文將剖析筆電觸控面板三大主力技術趨勢。
觸控面板行情看漲 群創興建觸控面板廠 (2007.06.14)
搭乘iPhone順風車觸控面板市場看好 (2007.06.04)
GeodeLink介面將為NS IA晶片帶來全新效應:晶片內的捷運系統 (2007.04.03)
前言 資訊家電的觀念從1997年提出至今,已經逐漸可以看出其商品輪廓,包括個人數位助理PDA,Personal Device Assistant、精簡型電腦TC,Thin Client等商用的資訊家電,以及MP3隨身聽MP3 Player、無線上網機WebPAD,PAD=Personal Access Device、視訊機頂盒STB,Set-Top-Box等的偏重家用、娛樂用資訊家電
從Computex Taipei 2001看下半年資訊零組件之趨勢 (2007.04.03)
亞洲一年一度規模最大的電腦展:Computex Taipei,已經於6月8日展示結束,為期5天的Computex展,筆者每天必到,非將每個指標攤位看個仔細不可,因為真正量產並普及供應的資訊商品,多半由台灣廠商所設計、製造,而Computex展也以台商居多數,今年下半年何種資訊商品會興衰,此展可說是個重要風向參考
-DzSoft WebPad 2.2 (2007.03.24)
DzSoft WebPad is an extensible HTML editor with PHP and ASP syntax highlighting support. It features one-click preview, using a built-in browser, and quick access to commonly used HTML tags. In addition, DzSoft WebPad incorporates the free HTML Tidy tool from the World Wide Web Consortium to format and cleanup your HTML code
UMPC市場將從何歸向、定位? (2006.12.25)
2006年的CeBIT展中,最受眾人矚目的新產品即是超攜性個人電腦(Ultra-Mobile Personal Computer;UMPC),UMPC的體積遠小於一般的平板電腦(Tablet PC)及WebPAD,但卻又比個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant;PDA)大些許;如此模糊曖昧的功效與定位
智慧型手機的未來趨勢 (2006.11.29)
-Pluto MythTV Plugin Debian Binary (2005.04.29)
Integrates MythTV with Pluto smart home solution. Media follows you as you move around the house. Control with a Bluetooth mobile phone, PDA, Webpad. Use with Pluto home automation (controls lights & a/v equip), video conferencing, security, etc
-Pluto Mozilla Plugin Debian Binary (2005.04.29)
Integrates Mozilla with Pluto smart home solution, controllable with a Bluetooth mobile phone, PDA or Webpad. Makes web browsing easy using a TV. Push 1 button on the phone to turn on the nearest tv and display a web page
-Pluto Xine Plugin Debian Source (2005.04.29)
Integrates Xine with Pluto smart home solution. Media follows you as you move around the house. Control with a Bluetooth mobile phone, PDA, Webpad. Use with Pluto home automation (controls lights & a/v equip), video conferencing, security, etc
-Pluto MythTV Plugin Debian Source (2005.02.16)
Integrates MythTV with Pluto smart home solution. Media follows you as you move around the house. Control with a Bluetooth mobile phone, PDA, Webpad. Use with Pluto home automation (controls lights & a/v equip), video conferencing, security, etc
-Pluto Mozilla Plugin Windows/Linux Source (2005.02.16)
Integrates Mozilla with Pluto smart home solution, controllable with a Bluetooth mobile phone, PDA or Webpad. Makes web browsing easy using a TV. Push 1 button on the phone to turn on the nearest tv and display a web page
-Pluto Xine Plugin Debian Binary (2005.02.16)
Integrates Xine with Pluto smart home solution. Media follows you as you move around the house. Control with a Bluetooth mobile phone, PDA, Webpad. Use with Pluto home automation (controls lights & a/v equip), video conferencing, security, etc
資訊設備迎戰數位家庭新紀元 (2004.05.26)
低價Tablet PC能否成為的市場推手 (2004.02.05)
Tablet PC 推出至今,市場成長率不如預期,綜合其原因,多以售價過高為其主因。再者另有效能、產品特性等不合市場需求的因素,使Tablet PC無法順利打入消費性市場,本文將剖析該產品的架構與成本特性,並綜合產品內容的優缺點,逐一作完整性的討論
技術發展與市場趨勢綜觀 (2003.05.05)
嵌入式CPU技術展望 (2003.03.05)
嵌入式CPU技術展望 (2003.02.05)
系統效能才是資訊家電評估關鍵 (2002.12.26)
對PC市場的成長一直表示樂觀、駁斥「PC已死」說法的 Wintel陣營,其實早已在其他領域,如通訊網路或消費性電子積極佈局,即使是比爾蓋茲曾明白指出不可行的精簡型終端設備(Thin Client),目前微軟也投入不少心力,提出Mira等概念性產品,並對可攜式電子裝置推出WinCE嵌入式作業系統

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1 安勤擴展EMS系列新品 搭載英特爾最新處理器開拓AI應用
2 Basler全新AI影像分析軟體符合複雜應用需求
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