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【CTIMES / SMARTAUTO ABC_1 报导】    2010年06月09日 星期三

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關鍵字: 影像处理器  3D显示  Imagination  苹果  David Harold  Tony King-Smith 
IDC:2024第一季全球智慧手机出货成长7.8% 三星重返第一
Imagination全新Catapult CPU加速RISC-V设备采用
Tommy Chung发言于2012.06.28 12:21:32 PM




Tommy Chung发言于2012.06.12 03:11:06 PM
MacBook Pro將不再提供17吋的選項

Eric5698发言于2012.04.26 11:37:04 AM

感謝 Only Chen的鼓勵, 我會繼續加油的

Only Chen发言于2012.04.25 05:04:22 PM

To Eric5698:




Eric5698发言于2012.04.24 04:59:24 PM
Eric5698 :
Only Chen :

Apple iPhone 周邊外接微投影機

盜用我的想法 , 這個造型及結構是我在 2009年做出來的, 結果被大陸員工將圖面洩漏出去, 當時並沒有申請專利, 就這樣心血被.....欲哭無淚!!
Eric5698发言于2012.04.24 04:53:37 PM
Only Chen :

Apple iPhone 周邊外接微投影機

Tommy Chung发言于2012.03.30 12:08:22 PM
iPhone當遙控器… 拍照控制TV

Only Chen发言于2011.07.22 12:05:46 PM

柯達 要賣數位影像專利



Only Chen发言于2011.07.08 12:04:39 PM

新iPhone 9月亮相



Tommy Chung发言于2011.04.21 12:16:43 PM

iPhone 5 傳9月出貨



Only Chen发言于2011.02.14 11:20:18 AM

A Future Optical Display Could turn your iPhone into a Scanner



Tommy Chung发言于2011.02.09 12:03:46 PM

iPhone 5 傳6月6日現身

美國最大無線電信營運商威瑞森無線公司(Verizon Wireless)才開始販售CDMA版iPhone 4,業界就已盛傳蘋果將在6月初發表iPhone 5,分析師直指時間就在6月6日。


AppleBitch部落格上月率先披露,蘋果預定6月5日至9日在舊金山Moscone中心舉行的「企業會議」時發表新版iPhone。蘋果自2003年起一直在該地舉行全球開發商大會(WWDC),過去三年來WWDC都在6月第一周舉行,且都在會議的第一個周一發表新版iPhone,因此有分析師推估6月6日可能是iPhone 5問世之日。


蘋果過去四年來都在WWDC會議結束後的數周內讓iPhone上市,其中有三次上市時間為6月,只有2008年是在7月11日供應iPhone 3G。


不過AppleBitch說,蘋果也預定在5月10至11日、以及6月22至23日在 Moscone中心舉行「企業會議」,這兩個時間也可能是推出iPhone 5甚至是iPad 2的日子。蘋果過去大多在3月或4月宣布WWDC的日期。


蘋果以前每年夏天推出新一代iPhone,今年消費者都在討論,iPhone 5將維持長久以來由AT&T獨賣的GSM系統,還是會增加類似本周威瑞森將正式銷售的CDMA系統。




因拆解蘋果產品而聲名大噪的科技網站iFixit披露,威瑞森銷售的CDMA版iPhone 4,已修正先前收訊不良的天線設計,且採用的晶片則來自高通,而非英飛凌(Infineon)。威瑞森已在3日開放預購iPhone 4,結束AT&T獨家銷售三年半的局面,10日起並將在威瑞森、蘋果商店以及百思買(Best Buy)、沃爾碼(WalMart)等實體商店開賣,售價199.99美元



(Yahoo! & UDN.com)

Tommy Chung发言于2011.01.04 09:04:19 AM

10億美元 高通在台投資Mirasol面板廠



Only Chen发言于2010.12.27 11:25:20 AM

Nikon Patent Could Lead to DSLR Moviemaking Dream Lens

Nikon Patent Could Lead to DSLR Moviemaking Dream LensSo you got a nice new DSLR for Christmas, and it can take impressive HD video too! That said, you'll probably notice that simultaneous zooming and refocusing is less than ideal. A new Nikon lens patent aims to fix that.

While such a lens is unsurprising, given the incredible interest in DSLR filmmaking these days, it is nevertheless very welcome (should it see the light of day).

Should the lens land in prosumers' hands, they can expect an experience that will involve a single lens that can zoom by hand (manual mode) or automatically in its movie/video-making mode. Again, such a lens is not surprising in the least, but it's still great to see Nikon R&D putting design to paper. [Egami via Nikon Rumors via Engadget]


Only Chen发言于2010.12.14 11:56:33 AM

Toshiba building new factory to churn out iPhone LCDs, says Nikkei

Word on the street -- and by that we mean a Nikkei Business Daily report -- is that Toshiba's dropping a cool 100 billion yen (around $1.2 billion in US currencies) for a new factory in the Ishikawa prefecture, Japan. Its raison d'être? Low-temperature polysilicon LCD panels, primarily for the iPhone (no indication on which version; Apple is said to be investing in a portion of the factory, as well). Construction begins early next year and production is apparently slated to commence in the second half. More than enough time to stockpile unicorn tears for the assembly line.


Tommy Chung发言于2010.12.03 11:34:32 AM

比IPS更完美,新一代液晶PANEL Super PLS




Only Chen发言于2010.10.27 09:34:37 PM

memory + Wi-Fi = Eye-Fi


Eye-Fi View Quickly Shares Full-Resolution Photos With All Your Devices

In a hurry to share the full-resolution versions of your photos with several web-connected devices? Eye-Fi has a solution. Turns out that the company behind the wireless memory cards we know and love has a clever new photo-sharing service.

Basically all you'll do is log on to the Eye-Fi site and view your uploaded photos. You'll have the ability to share photos or albums with trusted contacts and to create download links. There's no charge for sharing photos uploaded to the site within a seven day window, but anything beyond that will require you to upgrade to a $50/year premium service.


New System and Email Feature Let People Quickly Show Off and Share Content on Multiple Devices

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., October 27, 2010 - Eye-Fi Inc. (www.eye.fi), best known as makers of the world's first wireless memory card, today launched Eye-Fi View, giving consumers a new way to access their photos and videos from virtually any computer or mobile device. Along with Eye-Fi View, Eye-Fi also introduced a new email-sharing feature, allowing direct, private sharing of full-resolution images without clogging inboxes or requiring viewers to login.

"When we released the first Eye-Fi card three years ago, we solved the fundamental problem of getting pictures off the camera and onto computers and online sharing sites. As we enter the biggest photo-sharing season of the year – Halloween to Christmas – we're delivering an even easier way for people to view and share photos from any device, with more control than ever," said Jef Holove, President and CEO of Eye-Fi. "Photos and videos of the kids trick-or-treating can be easily emailed to grandma and shown off on dad's iPad"

When it comes to photography, viewing the images is the point, and more devices – from netbooks to smartphones to tablets – create more ways consumers want to view and show their memories. With Eye-Fi View, this content is now accessible from virtually any Internet connected device and can be viewed and shared at home, at the office, or on the road.

Whether selecting certain photos to share on public sites like Facebook or Flickr, or privately sharing several images or full albums with trusted email contacts, Eye-Fi makes it easy. By simply logging into their Eye-Fi account from any device, users can view photos, publish them on the web, or share them via email.

"There are many sites on which pictures and videos can be shared. But even in this age of social media, email remains the most popular method of sharing among consumers," added Holove. "With our unique approach to email sharing, Eye-Fi is extending its ease of use capabilities to customers who want to email their photos. Because, put simply, photos are created to view."

With Eye-Fi's email feature, users select contacts from their own address book, and recipients – whether Eye-Fi users or not – can easily download full-resolution images through a single link, without worrying about overwhelming their inbox.

Pricing and Availability

With the latest Eye-Fi Center release, Eye-Fi X2 card users can automatically send content to their Eye-Fi View. Access to content uploaded within the last seven days is always free. Upgrade to Eye-Fi Premium to maintain access to an unlimited amount of content for only $4.99 a month or $49.99 a year. All Eye-Fi users can take advantage of the new email sharing feature.

Eye-Fi products are now available at Wal-Mart stores nationwide. Wal-Mart is the latest national retailer to feature Eye-Fi, following the addition of Target earlier this year. Availability beyond electronics and photography outlets underscores the expanding consumer demand for Eye-Fi's unique solution. Additionally, Eye-Fi's international users can now subscribe to all Eye-Fi services including Eye-Fi Premium. For more information, visit www.eye.fi.


Tommy Chung发言于2010.10.26 10:35:10 AM

The World's Smallest Full HD Display

The World's Smallest Full HD Display

The iPhone 4's Retina Display is 3.5 inches, with a resolution of 960x640 and a pixel density of 326ppi. Pretty much everyone agrees it looks great. So how incredible must ORTUS's new 4.8-inch, 1,920×1080, 458ppi display look?

ORTUS, a collaborative venture between Casio and Toppan Printing, announced the Hyper Amorphous Silicon TFT (HAST) display today in Japan. The company claims it's up to 30% brighter than other TFT displays, capable of producing 16.8 million colors and has a viewing angle of 160 degrees.

But if the Retina Display, as Apple claims, is pushing up against the threshold for the human eye, is ORTUS's added pixel density really that important? I'm reserving judgment until I can watch Dark Knight on the thing. [CrunchGear]


Tommy Chung发言于2010.09.09 10:34:10 AM

seiko active-matrix epd watches offer 300dpi display

I’ve always got my eyes peeled for unique watches for you guys, and this is definitely one of the cooler high-tech timepieces I’ve seen in a while.


Seiko Japan’s new SDGA001, SDGA002 and SDGA003 watches feature the world’s first active matrix electrophoretic display (EPD). This display technology is similar to what you might find in a high-end e-reader, capable of producing sharp, 300 dot-per-inch images with a 180-degree viewing angle.


Thanks to the ultra high-res display, the watches can display time in a variety of fonts and on-screen styles – my personal favorite being the deck of cards style:


The watches offer a 32-city world time capability, and can automatically be synchronized via radio signal. Each one comes in a sturdy stainless steel case, with a durable sapphire crystal. Battery power is recharged through an integral solar panel, offering about 30 months of display time on a full charge. There’s also LED illumination for viewing the time in darkened rooms.

Prices for the watches range from ¥94,500 to ¥105,000 (appx. $1127 to $1253 USD), so unless you’re loaded, you’re going to want to wait for the 2nd or 3rd generation versions before you start cashing your dollars for yen.

[via Makoto Style (JP) via Digital Gadgets Freak (JP)]

Only Chen发言于2010.07.09 11:27:17 AM

新款iPod touch向iPhone 4看齊?有高畫質攝像鏡頭與閃光燈,只沒有通話功能?

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