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讨论新闻主题﹕Google绿能投资 首购风力发电厂

Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 10:40:58 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Skeletal Electrics on Two Wheels!

Oh my goodness, this is a shiny, sharp looking triad of motorcycle vehicles. Before you get down too far in the description, take note that the red and the black are diesel/electric engines while the gray is an electric only, working with the battery. Then below that in this project post’s gallery you’ll see the “shared” battery station, which is quite the looker and something I’d sure like to see in the real world for real. Designer Paolo De Giusti presents three Naked bikes.

Designer: Paolo De Giusti

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 11:38:23 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

"Smart" Alloy Will Make Your Air Conditioner 175% More Efficient

"Smart" Alloy Will Make Your Air Conditioner 175% More EfficientLeaving your air conditioner on full blast all day might soon come with a little less guilt, thanks to an alloy developed by the University of Maryland. The "thermally elastic" material could allow air conditioners to run 175% more efficiently.

The new metal serves as a solid coolant, as opposed to the traditional (and environmentally nasty) liquid coolants found in commercial and residential air conditioners. If implemented, the new super-efficient system could reduce US carbon emissions by 250 million metric tons per year, and keep liquid refrigeration agents out of landfills and backyards. The next step for the project is making use of $500,000 in federal stimulus cash to advance the working prototype into commercial production. [University of Maryland via Inhabitat]

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 11:41:16 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

This Wall Breathes With the Wind

This Wall Breathes With the WindThis thing is called kinetic wall. Made with 250,000 aluminium panels that are sensitive to wind currents, its 53,819-square-feet surface (5,000 square meters) looks like a vertical lake. Watching it in motion is a surreal experience:

The video above is from a smaller previous project. The wall in the image is being made by Urban Art Projects and artist Ned Kahn for the Brisbane Airport. It will completed next to the new domestic terminal short-term parking building in 2011. [Archdaily]

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 11:42:19 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

This New Combat Jet Is Actually a Cheapo Chinese Copy

This New Combat Jet Is Actually a Cheapo Chinese CopyThey copy computers, cellphones, cameras, video players, watches, bags, and everything man-made—but did you know that the Chinese also copy entire combat airplanes? It's simple: They buy one and measure every part and system to clone it.

It's brutal reverse engineering but it works. In the past, they used to buy planes and designs from the Soviets. But now they go straight for the pirate copy, which has the Russians from Sukhoi fuming. The reason: They sell them at a lower price to any country that can't afford the real McCoy. Their quality is bad compared to the original, but good enough to fly and good enough that the countries—usually military dictatorships who just want to have a few flashy fighters—don't care.

This is the latest example: The Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark. They claim they created it all by themselves, but this carrier-based combat plane was copied and modified after reverse-engineering a Sukhoi Su-33 built to the Ukraine.

And here I was, thinking that Louis Vuitton had a problem. [Flight Global]

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 11:45:00 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Dick Cheney Has No Pulse

Dick Cheney Has No Pulse

I'm not making a tired funny! Dick Cheney's new implant—a ventricular assist device—needed 'cause his heart is screwed, "leaves most recipients without a pulse because it pushes blood continuously instead of mimicking the heart's own pulsatile beat."

Of course, this presumes he had a pulse in the first place. (I know, I know, that's the bad punchline you were waiting for.) [NYT via Twitter, Image: NYT]

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 11:47:52 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

This Is the Future of War

This Is the Future of WarWatch the Navy shooting down an airplane over the Pacific ocean using the new LaWS (Laser Weapon System) guided by Raytheon's Phalanx Close-In Weapon sensors. Welcome to the future, where we all die in the hands of angry laser-firing bots.

The LaWS is a six-laser cannon guided by the Phalanx Block 1B—the white structure that you can see here, mounted next to LaWS. Phalanx identifies and tracks the targets using electro-optical systems, measuring the range using radio frequency sensors. With that information, LaWS follows the target, and focuses the energy of its six beams on one point until it takes the airplane down because of the heat:

The plan is to test these systems until they become part of every Navy battleship. [Raytheon]

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.20 11:58:44 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Environmental Call: 5 Awesome Green Cell Phones

The Samsung Reclaim from Sprint – available in Earth Green or Ocean Blue colors – features a biodegradable casing made from corn. The charger requires 12 times less power than the Energy Star standard for standby power consumption and alerts users to unplug the handset once it’s fully charged. The outer packaging is made from recycled materials and the user-manual is virtual. To top it all off, $2 from every purchase will go benefit The Nature Conservancy’s Adopt an Acre program.


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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.21 10:56:09 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠


隨著帶的USB 2.0/3.0產品逐步推廣,許多汽車都配備了的USB port方便人們使用相關電子產品。一位DIY達人利用步進馬達製造了這個使用在腳踏車上的充電器。這款充電器有2個USB port,在騎行的過程中,可以方便地為各種電子產品串接充電,讓您可以在長途旅程中一直享受音樂或是各種先進電子設備的陪伴。

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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.21 10:58:49 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

永遠也用不完的USB接口:Infinite (無限)USB

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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.21 11:01:08 AM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Super Teeny Tiny Robotic Printers

Envisage a future where printers are microscopic and an army of robots print anything you want. It’s called RO. At least 100 nanobots are stored in four base stations which also serve as ink cartridges for each of the four printing colors (CMYK). The base stations adhere to every surface. By relocating the stations, the printing area can be set and scaled to size. When the printing system ist activated the print job is projected onto the designated area by a laser beamer. During the printing process the nanobots merge together and form printing grids.

 Designer: Daniel Dobrogorsky

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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.21 12:12:52 PM
文章主题: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠


更新日期:2010/07/21 10:40

(路透舊金山20日電)谷歌公司(Google Inc)的能源單位已與NextEra能源公司達成協議,谷歌數據中心未來20年將使用NextEra以風力產生的電力。




  谷歌資深營運副總裁霍爾茨(Urs Hoelzle)在谷歌網站部落格指出,谷歌能源(Google Energy LLC)7月30日起,將以先前同意的價格自NextEra愛阿華州風電廠購電。



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