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讨论新闻主题﹕需求不断扩张 医疗电子超夯

Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.28 11:09:35 AM
文章主题: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯
鼻感應器 助重癱者寫字上網 更新日期:2010/07/27 04:11 〔編譯管淑平/綜合報導〕 拜以色列科學家研發的一項新設備之賜,不久的將來,重度癱瘓的人能夠用他們的鼻子寫字、打電腦上網,甚至操控電動輪椅。 這項研究是利用鼻子的呼吸動作,因為呼吸時會動到位於咽喉的軟齶,研究負責人之一、以色列魏茨曼科學研究所神經生物學教授索貝爾說,軟齶由腦神經控制,通常人在嚴重受傷後,腦神經還保存地非常好,這也是為什麼重度癱瘓的人可以用眨眼來溝通,因為眨眼這個動作也是腦神經在控制。 將呼吸動作轉化為電流訊號 研究人員以一條細軟管,一頭連接患者鼻孔處,另一頭連上小型壓力感應器,感應器會測量鼻子呼吸時的鼻腔壓力,並將呼吸動作轉化為電流訊號。參與測試的健康人士很快就學會透過這套設備,用鼻子的呼吸控制電腦打電玩、寫字。 接著找來十名四肢癱瘓患者實驗,有一名女患者癱瘓了七個月,就連呼吸動作都得先重新學習,但她在三週內就能用這個控制器寫字;一名癱瘓十八年的男子,原本只能靠眨眼與外界溝通,但接觸這項設備二十分鐘內就靠一呼一吸寫出自己的名字。 還有一個例子是癱瘓十年、又有多發性硬化症的女病患,除了能寫字,還學會控制滑鼠,現在可以上網、寫電子郵件;另一名患者是原本連眨眼都沒辦法,現在已可以用這個設備寄電子郵件。 這份二十六日於美國國家科學院院刊(PNAS)發表的研究報告說,「這項設備讓我們得以與非常重度癱瘓的人溝通,即使那些無法眨眼的人。」 研究人員又接著研發出一套程式碼,讓這項設備可用來控制電動輪椅,健康人士很快就學會控制電動輪椅穿過迷宮,研究人員認為,癱瘓人士有可能只要練習十五分鐘就能以高度精確性操控輪椅。 這項呼吸控制技術由魏茨曼科學研究所和台拉維夫大學賽克勒醫學院共同研究,目前仍在研發階段,但已申請專利。索貝爾希望,未來大量生產後,能以人人都負擔得起的價錢出售,「應該十塊、二十塊美元,不要再高。」 (Yahoo!)
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.28 11:38:43 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯

The nose knows... how to let quadriplegics move and speak (video)

We've seen quadriplegic transportation directed by brainwaves, speech and even the occasional Wiimote, but your best bet might be to follow your nose. Israeli nasal researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science unveiled a "sniff controller" this week, that measures nasal pressure to control a wheelchair joystick with surprising precision (see a video after the break) and a specially-developed typing interface. The latter is likely the more important advancement, as Discover heartwarmingly reports at the source link, by giving patients with locked-in syndrome (a la The Diving Bell and the Butterfly) the long-lost ability to speak. Best of all, the technology is inexpensive compared to alternatives on the market; while a Stephen Hawking-esque eye-tracking system can cost tens of thousands of dollars, Weizmann scholars reportedly pieced the prototype together for $358. The device is already being considered for public availability by the institute's technology transfer company, Yeda R&D -- find out just how it works in the full study at our more coverage link.

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.29 10:29:27 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯

i-Mos is a pair of funky looking glasses that a speech impaired person can use for easy communication. Although the user scenario suggested by the designer looks more tragic, like involving physical disabilities as well, I’m going to stick with just the basics. The device tracks your eye movement as Morse-code inputs and then voices it out as speech. One eye is dedicated to “dot” and the other to “dash”. Aids like sentence completion and built-in Morse code learning, add value to the idea and make usage more independent. A well intended plan!

Designer: Wonkook Lee

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.02 12:11:00 PM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯

3-D Brain Model Could Revolutionize Neurology
By Stuart Fox 

A 3-D model of a region of the cerebellum. Credit: The Whole Brain Catalog

LOS ANGELES – A new project aims to produce a Google Maps-like guide of the brain's labyrinthine structure At a presentation here at the SIGGRAPH interactive technology and computer graphics conference, researchers highlighted how a complete 3-D model of the brain could spark a new era in neurological research.

Called The Whole Brain Catalog, the project compiles data from across the research spectrum, in a variety of forms. It takes MRI data, pictures of stained neurons and theoretical diagrams of brain circuitry and presents them in a way that scientists, doctors and 3-D animators can digest in a unified way. Those users then contribute back to the site, wiki-style, to produce an increasingly full model of the brain at every scale, down to the molecular level.

“My dream is that you can built these simulations at any level of resolution,” said Stephen Larson, a neuroscience researcher at the University of California, San Diego, who works on the Whole Brain Catalog. “The key is to have something smaller than the brain that is still big enough for simulations.”

Mapping out all the connections in the brain has proved one of the most difficult challenges facing neuroscientists today. Indeed, they often compare the intricacy of the brain to the human genome — the name given to the entire library of human DNA — and have nicknamed the total map of all the brain’s links the “connectome”, Larson said.

Even before the Whole Brain Project is completed, scientists could use the data to run tests in the computer, instead of on live subjects. This would drastically increase the range of possible neurological experiments, while significantly cutting down the cost, time and variables of studies.

Ultimately, the connectome can only be understood through a complete 3-D model that maps out every molecule, neuron and wrinkle, Larson said.

“The brain is complex because it isn’t rectilinear like the world we live in, which makes it counter intuitive,” Larson said.

The Whole Brain Catalog remains a long way from finishing its task of mapping the connectome, and faces difficult challenges moving forward. For one, most of the data comes to the project in wildly different formats, and there is no way to automate the process of unifying the different types of input. Additionally, some regions of the brain receive far more research than others, leaving some areas mostly blank, Larson said.

However, that last problem also presents a new opportunity for the Whole Brain Project. Because the model reflects what data scientists generate, the model is as much a diagram of trends in neurological research as it is a map of the brain.

By looking at what areas are more or less defined in the Whole Brain Catalog model, scientists can determine what regions of the brain need more attention, and plan future research that crosses traditional boundaries that isolate different kinds of brain research, Larson said.

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.04 11:07:57 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯
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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.08.31 10:26:47 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯

Stand Up Wheelchair (可調整站立式輪椅)


This post is about a wheelchair project which allows the user to stand up easily. “The Leeding E.D.G.E” also features easy drive handles with different gearing options to promote accessibility and combat shoulder injury generally caused by traditional wheeling techniques. Designer Time Leeding proposes this wheelchair alleviates pressure sores and makes moves toward closing social boundaries which “inhibit the lives of the disabled day to day.”

It is a world that I do not pretend for a moment to understand, that being the world that a person that must be in a wheelchair lives in. I believe that each person lives a different life, and that each person deals differently with a situation that they might not find ideal, for example becoming confined to a wheelchair partway through life. Does allowing a person with no use of legs the ability to stand up temporarily work toward a better life for that person?

That question asked, this wheelchair seems to me to be quite the fabulous looking bit of engineering. “The Leeding E.D.G.E” features “dynamic drive” handles that work with a rowing sort of motion. More energy efficient and less strenuous than traditional techniques. The chair features geared hubs featuring 2:1 drive, 1:1 drive, neutral and revers gears, and of course, that excellent standing mode.

Designer: Tim Leeding



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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.06 09:41:48 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯








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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.09 10:25:30 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯



這是一款酷似跑步機的代步機器人,它可以靈活地通過手柄操縱,幫助不方便的老人和殘疾人在人群中穿梭。它的踏板與跑步機類似,當人在上面走動的時候,踏板便會隨之滾動,從而帶動機器人向前行駛。它能將使用者的行走速度放大至1.5到3倍,幫助使用者更加輕鬆地行進。在2010年亞洲最大的設計展會(Good Design Expo 2010)上,這款設備便已經投入使用。

設計:Waseda University Tokyo, Japan

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.09 10:42:39 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯

腦波翻譯機 幫癱瘓患者 把想的說出來






準確掌握訊號 翻成語言








研究人員表示,實驗使用的方法,仍有待改進,研究所使用的字彙,也必須再增加,不過,幾年後就有可能對受困於「閉鎖症候群」(lock-in syndrome)而無法說話的癱瘓者進行臨床實驗。






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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.10.15 11:05:51 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯

Medical Patients of the Present

To me, the most enthralling idea presented in the following massively important project you’re about to experience is this: “I don’t think of myself as the Patient of the Future – it is the perspective of the providers that puts me in this box of the Patient of the Future – I’m a patient of the present!” This project / video presentation is called “Design We Can All Live With” and it is about how a Minneapolis-based design firm is aiming toward a better patient-based healthcare system through technology right this moment.

This firm goes by the name “Worrell” and this solution session aims at a situation based in a technological world, but a world that intimately connects doctors with their patients. This presentation shows an epic talk between design professionals working with Worrell and one doctor and one patient. They of course represent the greater whole, expressing the wants and needs of the entire community.

This talk represents the past few years of Worrell talking with patients in their homes and at the medical office and hospitals about their needs, the needs of what Worrell knows are stakeholders in the medical world. Worrell is an industrial design firm that works in interactive and medical technologies and has been for the past 35 years – they’ve been working on this particular project for the past four or five.

The images you see below in the gallery and later in the movie are of a set of technologies called “Pathway.” These web powered devices will not only store and keep current your medical records, they’ll aid in providing you, the patient, with helpful information like articles on your condition sent directly from your doctor.

Take a look at this video “Design We Can All Live With” and be completely inspired and excited for not the future of medical care, but the soon-to-be present!

Designer: Worrell


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.10.27 11:07:59 AM
文章主题: Re: 需求不斷擴張 醫療電子超夯







梅尼埃爾氏綜合症是以膜迷路積水的一種內耳疾病。本病以突發性眩暈,耳鳴,耳聾或眼球震顫為主要臨床表現,眩暈有明顯的發作期和間歇期。病人多數為中年人,患者性別無明顯差異,首次發作在50歲以前的病人約佔 65%,大多數病人單耳患病。


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