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讨论新闻主题﹕Intel芯片组设计错误 年节买气恐受影响
华人社会喜气洋洋的准备过年,但在昨日(1/31)晚间半导体界却爆出大消息。Intel发出声明稿表示新发表的6系列,代号Cougar Point的芯片组发现设计错误,部分情况下,SATA效能会根据使用时间而降低,进而影响藉其所连的如硬盘驱动、DVD驱动等...

Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2011.02.10 11:50:26 AM
文章主题: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響
英特爾 6系列晶片漏洞修補完畢,將於2月重新發售 美國當地時間 2月7日,美國英特爾公司對前一段時間出現的6系列晶片漏洞進行了修復。並且宣布將於 2月重新進行發售。 本次修復的英特爾 6系列晶片在1月31日被暴出現設計問題。這個問題會導致一部分連接電腦的設備短路。在這個問題暴露之後,英特爾公司立即召回了部分已經銷售的晶片並進行了問題修復。英特爾 6系列晶片預計將用於最新搭載酷睿系統的電腦上。這次英特爾公司已經對這個漏洞問題進行了徹底修復,並將於本月再次進行發售。如果順利的話,此晶片將於4月全面普及市場。 (weiphone)
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2011.02.23 11:40:09 AM
文章主题: Re: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響

Intel to roll out 'Light Peak' tech Thursday

Intel on Thursday plans to roll out Light Peak, a high-speed connection technology that Apple is also likely to adopt, according to an industry source familiar with the details of the event.

Intel released a statement to the media today saying that on Thursday in San Francisco it will "host a...press briefing to discuss a new technology that is about to appear on the market."

There will also be a media event held the same day at the Intel campus in Santa Clara, Calif., where the chipmaker will conduct technology and product demonstrations.

Maybe not coincidentally, Apple is expected to roll out new MacBook Pros--and possibly other products--on Thursday.

Intel has been working on Light Peak for years and recently said the initial version would be based on copper, as time-to-market realities necessitate more conventional technology. Light Peak is significantly faster than even USB 3.0, carrying data at 10 gigabits per second in both directions simultaneously. Connection speeds will not be affected by the transition to copper, according to Intel. In the future, Light Peak may scale to 100 gigabits per second, according to Intel.

As CNET reported earlier, the technology is expected to find its way into Apple products. When Intel initially demonstrated Light Peak at its developer conference in 2009 it used a machine running Apple's Mac OS X.

"Light Peak also has the ability to run multiple protocols simultaneously over a single cable, enabling the technology to connect devices such as peripherals, displays, disk drives, docking stations, and more," according to a statement on Intel's Light Peak Web page. "The multi-protocol capability...will enable new usage models like flexible system designs and thinner form factors, media creation and connectivity, faster media transfer and cable simplification."

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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2011.03.29 12:11:46 PM
文章主题: Re: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2011.04.12 12:14:02 PM
文章主题: Re: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響
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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2011.04.13 12:18:00 PM
文章主题: Re: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響

英特爾推平板PC專用晶片 小巧低耗電



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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2011.04.22 12:16:20 PM
文章主题: Re: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響
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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2011.05.05 12:06:40 PM
文章主题: Re: Intel晶片組設計錯誤 年節買氣恐受影響

Intel unveils 22nm Ivy Bridge processor



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