Celina Lee
來自: 台湾
發 表 於:
2006.05.11 09:15:04 PM
Re: 歐盟在七月起要求所有電子元件都要合乎RoHS規範,你準備好了嗎?
加州的RoHS (1/1/2007)
Overview: The Electronic Waste Recycling Act (S.B. 20 / 50) The Electronic Waste Recycling Act is administered and enforced by two state agencies; California's Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), which determines the products covered by the directive, and the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB), which administers the electronic waste recovery and recycling payment system. SB20/50 consists of two major elements — recycling and restricted substances. • The recycling element of the act is already in effect, and requires retailers to collect recycling fees from consumers at point of sale for covered electronics devices. Manufacturers must notify retailers annually of the covered products it supplies, and notify consumers of where and how to return, recycle, and dispose devices. • The restricted substance element is coming into effect on January 1, 2007, with both similarities and differences compared to EU RoHS Under SB 20/50, "covered electronic devices cannot be sold in California if prohibited for sale in the EU under the EU RoHS Directive". For California, "covered electronic devices" are defined as video display devices (VDD) that contain a screen greater than four inches, measured diagonally. It includes eight main product categories: 1. Cathode ray tube (CRT)-containing devices with CRTs greater than four inches, measured diagonally 2. CRTs greater than four inches, measured diagonally 3. Computer monitors containing CRTs greater than four inches, measured diagonally 4. Laptop computers with liquid crystal display (LCD) screens greater than four inches, measured diagonally 5. LCD-containing desktop monitors greater than four inches, measured diagonally 6. Televisions containing CRTs greater than four inches, measured diagonally 7. Televisions containing LCD screens greater than four inches, measured diagonally (added December 2004) 8. Plasma televisions with screens greater than four inches, measured diagonally (added December 2004) Only the eight main product categories listed above need to comply. The act also only applies to retail products, not business-to-business products, and there are exemptions such as video display devices that are a part of a motor vehicle, industrial/commercial/medical equipment, or white goods such as clothes washers/dryers, refrigerators/freezers, and ovens. Link to the EU RoHS Directive The SB 20/50 restricted substance requirements are limited to the four heavy metals — lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium — restricted under the EU RoHS directive. It does not include the brominated flame retardants. In addition, the restricted substance element of the Electronic Waste Recycling Act has harmonized the maximum concentration values with the EU RoHS directive. The enforcement deadline for the restricted substance portion of SB 20/50 is January 1, 2007. Similar to EU RoHS, there is no label requirement. |