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SmartFusion Evaluation Kit
原厂/品牌: ACTEL 上架日期: 04/13
供应商: 大志科技 產品類別: FPGA

     Actel's SmartFusion Evaluation Kit offers a simple, low-cost way to try the world's only FPGA with hard ARM Cortex-M3 and programmable analog. The device contains on-chip flash and on-chip SRAM memory, as well as additional SPI flash memory. The board can communicate via Ethernet and HyperTerminal. The board also contains LEDs, switches, OLED and various voltage, current, and temperature monitoring functions for analog experimentation on the board.

     The kit is supported by Libero Integrated Design Environment (IDE), Actel's design software that includes SoftConsole Eclipse-based GNU software IDE. You can also use a free evaluation version or full licensed version of either Keil or IAR Systems compilers. The quickstart card and the user's guide will walk you through the options for software, downloads, and licensing.

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A2F-EVAL-KIT SmartFusion Evaluation Kit       洽詢 2 周 1 洽詢

The SmartFusion Evaluation Kit board includes:

  • A2F200M3F-FGG484ES
    • 200,000 System FPGA gates, 256 KB flash memory, 64 KB SRAM, and additional distributed SRAM in the FPGA fabric and external memory controller
    • Peripherals include Ethernet, DMAs, I2Cs, UARTs, timers, ADCs, DACs and additional analog resources
    • Refer to the SmartFusion product page for full device information
  • SPI-flash memory connected to SPI_0 on the device
  • USB connection for programming and debug from Actel's design tools
  • USB to UART connection to UART_0 for HyperTerminal examples
  • 10/100 Ethernet interface with on-chip MAC and external PHY
  • RVI header for application programming and debug from either Keil or IAR Systems
  • Mixed-signal header for daughter card support

User Inputs and Outputs

  • OLED display with I2C interface connected to I2C_0 on the device
  • First-order ΣΔ DAC (sigma delta) output with 12-bit 500 Ksps update rate
  • Potentiometer used to vary voltage input for voltage and current monitoring
  • 8 LEDs connected to the FPGA fabric for FPGA demonstration
  • 2 user input switches connected through FPGA fabric
  • Both LEDs and switches can be used with GPIO by connecting through the fabric
  • Selector to choose between GNU SoftConsole or RVI-Header for debug
  • Selector to switch between programming the device (fabric) and debug mode
  • On-board 20 MHz crystal for system clock
  • On-board 32.768 KHz for RTC
  • 5 user I/Os for debug
  • Option to use internal 1.5 V regulator

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