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以仪表级精准度的系统监视器测量相对湿度 (2013.04.30)
温度是最常被测量的物理参数,而且传感器选择随着准确度要求、耐用性、成本以及与所测量介质兼容性的不同而不同。价格便宜的 NPN 晶体管非常适用于要求一次性传感器或那些需要大量传感器的应用
Android 应用程序提供 600+ 代数公式口袋书:数学,三角,矩阵,图形的主要功能。-Formule 1.2 (2012.02.23)
Android 应用程序提供 600+ 代数公式口袋书:数学,三角,矩阵,图形的主要功能。
PerlCalc 是* nix 系统设计的一个命令行计算器工具。-PerlCalc (2011.09.21)
PerlCalc 是* nix 系统设计的一个命令行计算器工具。
-TagParser (2011.09.10)
TagParser is a java parser based on CSS formulas (like JQuery) and can parse any documents based on tags such as XML, HTML. Furthermore, it doesn't require documents to be well formed and can parse complex documents with embe
应用HT46R24设计光源追踪太阳能发电LED路灯照明系统 (2011.08.01)
-Set-for (2011.07.24)
the real name is SET(THETA)FOR. its a command line based science formulas, etc. program. sadly only the French version is out now. written in C.
ADI新款iSensor IMU 具备自主动态补偿 (2011.07.01)
美商亚德诺(ADI)16日全新发表ADIS 16407 iSensor IMU(惯性量测单元),该组件将三轴回转仪、三轴加速度计、三轴磁力计、以及压力传感器整合在单芯片当中。 ADIS 16407中的每个传感器都结合了ADI的iMEMS技术与信号调节专业知识,藉以将IMU的10自由度(DoF)动态性能予以优化
MathChat 项目是使数学 TA 学生在大学和高中之间的沟通工具。-MathChat - The LaTeX Chat app (2011.06.15)
MathChat 项目是使数学 TA 学生在大学和高中之间的沟通工具。
XLQ 提供全球股市的数据数据工具,通过公式在 Microsoft Excel 中使用,也可以直接在 XLQ 独立接口。-XLQ 4.5 (2010.11.24)
XLQ 提供全球股市的数据数据工具,通过公式在 Microsoft Excel 中使用,也可以直接在 XLQ 独立接口。
XLQ提供了生活和历史的全球股市的数据,通过使用Microsoft Excel中的公式,还独立或直接在XLQ接口-XLQ 4.4 (2010.11.10)
XLQ提供了生活和历史的全球股市的数据,通过使用Microsoft Excel中的公式,还独立或直接在XLQ接口
一款数据库的报表和分析工具,动态SQL生成,使非技术用户运行和编辑复杂的报告,从任何SQL关系数据库。-Ariacom Business Reports 5.5a (2010.11.03)
-pyspread (2010.10.30)
Pyspread is a 3D spreadsheet application. Each cell accepts a Python expression and returns an accessible object. Python modules are usable from the spreadsheet table without external scripts. Requires Python 2.4, Numpy 1.0.4, and wxPython 2
-FOIL and Factor Calculator (2010.10.30)
A simple calculator that does FOIL and Factoring problems. Will probably be expanded to do all kinds of equations and other mathematical formulas.
该计划旨在教导三角函式,专门于弱能学童的学习于交互式 UI。-Math Teachers (2010.10.27)
该计划旨在教导三角函式,专门于弱能学童的学习于交互式 UI。
-iMath (2010.10.12)
Intelligent formulas: Numeric and symbolic calculations in Openoffice Writer. The iMath extension to Openoffice.org enables numeric and symbolic calculations inside a Writer document. iMath requires the EQC library http://sourceforge
-STP (2010.09.24)
STP (Simple Theorem Prover): a constraint solver/decision procedure that accepts formulas or constraints generated by program analysis/test generation tools, model checkers, bug finders, hardware/software formal verification tools
-Chemitorium (2010.09.11)
Free Organic Chemistry Analysis and Visualisation Tool; Chemical formula editor, calculation of threedimensional molecular structures, high-quality realtime rendering, etc ... Create and edit chemical formulas Calculate t
-ICED (2010.06.12)
ICED (Inline Chemical Equations Drawer) is the implementation of the web based chemical markup language, which can be used as a part of HTML layout. Its purpose is the visualization of chemical structural formulas, equations and other chemical info
-TrigTeacher (2010.05.30)
This program is designed to teach Trigonometry formulas, with learning disabled students specifically in mind. Interactive UI. .NET 4.0 Framework required.
-LaTeX2MathML (2010.05.24)
LaTeX2MathML is a PHP5 class that converts LaTeX math formulas to Presentation MathML. Current versions are still in development !

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