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IBM与红帽携手合作加速混合云采用 (2018.05.17)
TI扩大物联网云端生态圈透过开源Energia支援简化代码开发 (2014.12.11)
浅谈OMA DM (2011.01.27)
-kickconf (2010.08.02)
Kickconf is an Administrative command factory to help WebSphere Administrators in the massive industrialization of their tasks.Easy to use.Comes with a set of growing predefined commands.Structured, module-able and really fast
-LogSaw (2010.08.01)
A high-performance log file viewer based on the Eclipse platform, that can be used to view and filter various kinds of log files Handles log files of almost unlimited size Filter log events by criteria Define filter crit
-SampleSites (2010.05.15)
This is a set of sample sites built off of IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Management that you can download and contribute to. The goal is to demonstrate neat integration features while helping others quickly build and deploy sites faster
IBM与西门子发布整合解决方案 (2009.06.25)
IBM和产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件和服务供货商Siemens PLM Software宣布,双方将共同推出全新解决方案,旨在改善企业在整个生命周期中对产品的管理, 包括从设计制造到产品生命终期的规划及回收, 并简化关键产品数据及制造规划的共享流程
一套用以快速又简易地建立J2EE商业应用系统的开发架构。-OpenXava 3.0.2 (2008.06.05)
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.2.3 (2008.04.22)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA
-ATGLogColorizer ATGLogColorizer v1.2 (2008.04.15)
This utility color-codes log files or console output from JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, and DAS application servers. Output originating from ATG is also recoginzed and colored appropriately. This utility greatly aids in reading and interpreting log files
-Open-MQ omq_0.8.9 (2008.02.25)
Open source middleware for message queueing like IBM WebSphere MQ (former MQ Series) written in C++/Qt supporting many platforms like Win32, Unix and Mac OS with native C/C++/Qt and JMS support.
新款TANDBERG Content Server应用功能大幅提升 (2008.01.24)
台湾威讯得科技,身为TANDBERG挪威原厂指定合作伙伴,日前推出新版TANDBERG Content Server,扩增高解析度影片錄制与多媒体展示产品阵容。用户可建立、储存、下载、拨打视讯电话与传送多媒体简报内容,让用户能透过各种装置随时存取这些内容
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.2.0 rc1 (2008.01.23)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA
北电与IBM共同以SOA简化商务通讯 (2007.12.04)
北电与IBM宣布共同推出以软件为基础的通讯架构,以一点即通(click-to-connect)、在线状态、定位和VoIP等最新颖的整合通讯和协同工具,完善结合企业应用与商务流程。此项新建置运用服务导向架构(service oriented architecture
-JQBridge 1.4 (2007.11.27)
Lightweight, fast and extensible message queue bridge that can connect different message providers such as Progress Sonic MQ or IBM WebSphere MQ (former MQ Series). Plugins for JMS and MQI are provided.
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.1.4 (2007.11.17)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA
-Check Application Server 0.3 (2007.11.03)
check-appserver has a goal to provide few Nagios Plugins to monitor internal (JVM, Thread Pools etc ...) health of common J2EE Application Servers such as WebSphere, Jonas and Jboss.
-nutch-iice 0.1 (2007.10.27)
Nutch is an open source search engine.WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition(IICE) is an IBM product that used to integrate enterprise content management systems.Nutch-IICE is a plugin for Nutch and an enterprise content search solution
IBM x86系统扩大支持Sun Solaris操作系统 (2007.08.20)
太阳计算机(Sun Microsystems)与IBM宣布进一步的合作消息,IBM将在其所销售的x86系统-IBM的X系统服务器与BladeCenter服务器上,提供搭载Solaris操作系统以及Solaris订阅服务(Subscriptions)的选择
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.1 (2007.08.07)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA

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1 宜鼎率先量产CXL记忆体模组 为AI伺服器与资料中心三合一升级
2 Diodes新款12通道LED驱动器可提升数位看板和显示器效能
3 Littelfuse推出高频应用的双5安培低压侧MOSFET栅极驱动器
4 瑞萨第四代R-Car车用SoC瞄准大量L2+ ADAS市场
5 Vishay推出获沉浸式许可的新尺寸IHPT触觉回??致动器
6 Toshiba推出1200 V第三代碳化矽肖特基栅极二极体新产品
7 恩智浦整合超宽频安全测距与短距雷达推动自动化IIoT应用
8 贸泽电子即日起供货Renesas Electronics RA8M1语音套件
9 Nordic新款nRF54系列SoC将支援蓝牙6.0通道探测功能
10 高通全新8 核Snapdragon X Plus提供高效能和AI驱动的Copilot+体验

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