Scientific allusions
Dominate the encoding Swordsman ─ ASCII and Unicod
In order to integrate the electronic bits of information and exchange of common standards, unified the global national differences Distinct text symbols, dominate the global character encoding standard ASCII and Unicode skelter embarked ........
The early 1960s, the United States Library of Congress (Library of Congress; LC) Organising develop automatic cataloging format James Agenboard and other people do this to start the development of the English character set and the exchange code, as the common standard the library community bibliographic exchange. LC exchange code became the prototype of the information exchange standard code ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). U.S. National Bureau of Standards in 1968 to develop a special ASCII code as the code of the computer data transmission standard. ASCII functionality integrated electronic bits of information and exchange of common coding standard, the appeal by the IT industry an opportunity to use the same set of information exchange code standards, and thus unified the global differences Distinct text symbol, towards the goal of integrated flow of information.In April 1984, the ISO ISO (International Standards Organization) Member States initiated the development of new international computer character encoding standard, chaired by the group ISO/IECJTC1/SC2/WG2 (WG2), the national language symbolsunity of the coding of the R & D work, the final standard called Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS), the number is set at ISO / IEC 10646 global computer character encoding standard. ASCII operation of logic is to lay the foundation "Each character has a digital code corresponding". Text and store data between computer display has a control table, this table is the ASCII code table. Digital codes are also known within the code (Code), ASCII inner codes of the numbers from 0 to 127, wherein 0-31 (e.g., ASCII code causes the computer to issue a beep sound) is a code for the system control; 32-127 text control code numbers or special symbols (for example, ASCII code 65 will show the letters of the alphabet A).ASCII uses 7 bits to represent the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0 to 9, and the other symbols, and later the highest bit set within code programmed into the eight-bit extended ASCII (Extended ASCII), plus many foreign languagessymbols and forms, represent 2 ^ 8 = 256 different text symbols. Set within the code is 1977 laid down the Code ANSI X3.4 version of the UNIX operating system and DOS-based operating system commonly used in coding standard. ASCII 0-255, which is 8 0 1 binary digits to represent the corresponding word. For example, the character "a" of the binary code is "01100001", if the decimal expression is 97; "a" are digital computers internal transmission or storage 97, but you want to display on the screen when, ASCII word code table will go Database catch the "a" of the font pattern, then the "a" is displayed on the screen. Computer use English within the code in the the 128-255 code area, a collection of some of the European Language code, but these are not to be regarded as standard ASCII characters, it is called a "graphic character sets (Semi-Graphics Character). 1984 ISO10646 the first draft was announced, the the coding structure immediately met with opposition from some large U.S. computer industry. ASCII code table based on 8-bit based only display 256 characters controlled, naturally enough for the Chinese and other foreign languages​​, so a corresponding world text, more bits can be codetable generic coding of control more words, they invariably look forward to all walks of life.In early 1988, Xerox Corporation and Apple team of engineers, led by Joe Becker under the leadership of the initiative of the new coding structure while compiling a global character coding standard, the basic unit of computer code table coding from the previous 7 or 8 bits, amplified 16-bit encoding space of 65,536 words, in order to accommodate the global language characters and common symbols. This new computer code the table coding standard is named Unicode. Unicode draft of the first edition was published in September 1989. January 1991, by more than a dozen IBM, DEC, Sun, Xerox, Apple, Microsoft, Novell and other computer hardware and software vendors and network information service providers, co-funded the establishment of the Unicode Consortium (The Unicode Consortium), by the Association the establishment of a non-profit Unicode. The Association was founded after the expansion of the original working group for the Unicode Technical Committee (Unicode Technical Committee), dedicated Unicode characters to collect, organize, coding work. Also promoting the to the Unicode international standard by the Unicode company.1991,92 Association has published the first edition of the Unicode Standard (The Unicode Standard v1.0). Unicode Consortium continued to lobby and pressure, WG2 finally gave originally selected ISO2022 8-bit extended coding structure changed to Unicode encoding. After several months of consultations and negotiations in October 1991, WG2 and Unicode Consortium agreement will be incorporated into the Unicode ISO10646 national language characters to collect, organize and coding work on the turn, Unicode associations play a facilitating WG2 WG2-oriented role, but the two sides still can each publish their own coding standards. Unicode Consortium in June 1992 by the DIS (Draft International Standard), ISO10646 in Unicode v1.0 was officially announced in 1996, the Microsoft Windows operating system in Unicode encoding. ASCII code symbol has not outdated. Post-industrial era also become pass through the artist's talent for visual material in front of the user's computer to become a creative pattern collage art.