Scientific allusions
Longer-DOS operating system
DOS-popular, accompanied from IBM personal PC's fame, however, to trace its origins from the earlier of the microprocessor era to begin with.
DOS (Disk Operating System, Disk Operating System) is generally considered to be available to a set of standards developed by the IBM PC stand-alone operating system, and thus most of the users on the called MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System by Microsoft). MS-DOS is a software program used to manage a soft or hard drive, which uses a command line interface, so users must be familiar with the various commands, parameters and syntax.Serious memories it can actually use body space is limited to 1024KB 384K of default to the graphics card and R0M use, and thus can be used only 640K, this inherent limitation caused early programmersdistress. DOS-popular, accompanied from IBM personal PC's fame, however, to trace its origins from the earlier of the microprocessor era to begin with.At the time, MS-DOS is often well known to be applied not only to the PC DOS, IBM Personal, which also includes the the Seattle computer (86-DOS), and Zenith Z-DOS operating system (Operation System). In fact, MS-DOS Seattle Computer 8086-based computer system products have evolved. May 1979, originally in Tukwila, Washington, to produce the S-100 memory card known for Seattle (Seattle Computer Products; SCP), the only university graduation programmers did not take long to explore joint efforts of Tim Paterson boss Brock Intel8086microprocessor mystery after creating the first to have the the 8086 microprocessors card (microprocessor card) combined with the S-100 bus microcomputer prototype (prototype), the well-known software vendors Digital Research, waged a series of critical discussions. The focus lies in one of the "prototype" will be able to combine applied are preparing baked CP/M-86 operating system.Seattle computer hoping 8086 combined with the the CP/M-86 operating software (then generally expected the CP/M-86 should not exceed the end of 1979, you can enter the practical stage), but Seattle's computers have only two 8086 micro-processingthe controller card to work, and the the Seattle computer that two have homemade completed before release, Digital Research's desire to declare dashed. Meanwhile, Microsoft is ready to begin the vital 8086 software development project, the companies are trying to take BASIC programming language engineers with the built-in operating system-based, the development of the 8086 version called Stand-Alone Disk BASIC. Seattle Computer initiative to contact Microsoft to see what the 16-bit operating system software can combine their own prototype microcomputer. Microsoft immediately deployed to set off from New Mexico to Washington, the results "kill two birds with one stone," Microsoft boss Bob O'Rear Seattle computer by packaged "prototype" of Paterson, in turn gave birth to a Stand-Alone Disk the BASIC. In the last two weeks of March 1979, this BASIC plan about has formed the completed, and can use the hardware provided by Seattle Computer. June 1979, a Sunday, in the international computer exhibition in New York, Seattle computer display in the package ---- 8086 running disk the BASIC, which is the world's first public opinion show a group 8086BASIC software combined with S-100 bus hardware 8086. The computer for the first time in November 1979 in Seattle these with Stand-Alone Disk BASIC, export production as the only software architecture microprocessor cards. A few months later, CP/M-86 still disappeared, the last in April 1980, the Seattle computer boss Brock accept Paterson recommend decided to develop its own DOS operating system, the decision mostly because of worries CP / M series products from time to time shortage of factors, not to demand a universal operating system uses deep motivation dictates. Developed by Seattle Computer Starter Edition operating system called QDOS 0.10, and exported in August 1980. The QDOS can support the two months of working days will accelerate the rush job completed Quick and Dirty Operating System, and worked well than expected. In addition to the editor (editor) can not be used as it contains all the basic conveniences of a combination of language development.Operating system a week after the Seattle computer developed a name for esoteric editor ---- EDLIN (editor of lines), which is an early circuit for positioning system, it probably only lasted less than six months. (On the contrary, as a part of the MS-DOS been more distant continues). In 1980, the last a few days, the next-generation version of the DOS system official release, is the famous 1983 86-DOS 0.3 version. Seattle Computer version to Microsoft, a non-exclusive patent rights to market 86-DOS from Microsoft bought, during that period, Microsoft only one client. In connection with the same period, Digital Research released CP/M-86 first edition; April 1981, the Seattle computer and then issued a 86-DOS 1.00 version, this version will be very close to MS-DOS and is often described today. In July 1981, Microsoft fell from the hands of the Seattle computer bought all DOS patent, and renamed MS-DOS this title. Not long after, IBM announced the news, its 16-bit personal PC originally belonged to the the Seattle Computer 86-DOS 1.14 version of the MS-DOS operating system will be used.Microsoft after the continuous improvement of the DOS operating system, IBM the MS-DOS1.24 of version (that is, the IBM version 1.1) also in the hands of Tim Paterson improved completed, and write MS-DOS 1.25 in March 1982the first version, after the popularity of the traditional MS-DOS consumers Tim Paterson was also regarded as the first MS-DOS operating system to lay a complete foundation of pioneer. The February 1983 issue of version 2.0, also announced that it will be applied in the IBM PC XT series. Subsequent, MS-DOS version after DOS 3.0, DOS 3.1, DOS 3.2, DOS 3.3, IBM DOS 4.0, DOS / V, DOS 5.0, the DR DOS 6.0, DOS 6 with PC DOS, FreeDOS / to OpenDOS using and so on, butIn 1994, after the launch of the Windows family gradually eclipsed, and has been developed to the 6.X they have stopped development completely replaced by other versions. Windows95 under DOS mode DOS version 7.0, does not actually have a significant change, not separately sold external. DOS's history thus also come to an end.