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討論 新聞 主題﹕我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
3D話題延燒,在本屆Computex發揮得淋漓盡致。而為了解決3D內容不足的隱憂,參展廠商紛紛使出渾身解數,展示導入「2D轉3D」技術的產品,藉解決現階段3D影片來源不足問題來搶攻市場。 3D內容不足是3D電視的發展限制之一,因此發展2D轉3D的影像轉換技術已成為解決問題的捷徑...

Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.07 11:27:03 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

IFA 2010: Aiptek intros the i2 pocket-sized 3D camcorder

The IFA 2010 became Aiptek’s launching pad for their i2 3D camcorder. This can be a Flip-killer since it’s only pocket-sized. But unlike the Flip and other similar mini-camcorders out there, this one from Aiptek can record 3D videos.

Videos set in 3D can be viewed on any 3D TV or any standard display that can be re-encoded using a special software. The blue and red 3D glasses are still needed to view the 3D videos.

Other specs of the Aiptek i2 3D camcorder include a 2.4-inch 3D display, maximum of 32GB storage, and a $200 price tag.


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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.08 10:15:32 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Supernova x1駕臨 瑞芯裸眼3D樣機海外亮相









  20109月,來自晶片設計領域的瑞芯微電子(Rockchip),在德國柏林國際消費類電子展覽會 IFA2010)對外展示了全球首款裸眼3D MP4解決方案的工程樣機——Supernova X1,賦予MP4便攜娛樂更加震撼、身臨其境的三維新體驗,引起海內外廣泛關注。Supernova,意即超新星,指大品質恒星的超強規模爆發,象徵 傳統MP4數位播放器領域即將迎來的巨大變革與顛覆突破。

瑞芯(Rockchip)在本屆IFA2010展會上主要展示了三大領域的創新成就,包括:Supernova x1裸眼3D MP4RK2729&RK2808A方案彩屏/黑白屏電子書、RK2818方案Android 2.1MID/平板電腦/智慧手機。

    瑞芯在本屆IFA2010展會展示了兩款裸眼3D MP4工程樣機,分別來自中國廠商藍魔音悅匯與原道數碼

瑞芯展出的Supernova x1是全球首款裸眼3D mp4解決方案,無需佩戴眼鏡即可欣賞三維影片的震撼效果

採用瑞芯Supernova x1裸眼3D方案的藍魔音悅匯T8 3D工程樣機,搭載4.3英寸觸摸屏設計,滿足大屏3D欣賞需求

採用瑞芯Supernova x1裸眼3D方案的原道G99 Vision 3D工程樣機,搭載3.8英寸螢幕設計,帶來更佳便攜3D享受

從現場體驗來看,藍魔音悅匯與原道數碼的這兩款裸眼3D MP4工程樣機完成度很高,據悉即將在國內正式發佈

良好的設計工藝,搭配親民的市場售價,瑞芯裸眼3D MP4能否成為國內MP4新的風向標

    同時曝光的還有另一款Supernova x1裸眼3D MP4,來自另一家知名數碼廠商OPPO,可以預見,更多款式的裸眼3D MP4將陸續進入市場,更多瑞芯IFA2010展會精彩爆料,即將火熱來襲...

     Supernova x1裸眼3D MP4 基本規格

    600M ARM
處理器和 600M DSP 處理器

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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.08 10:22:39 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急



該技術由JVC公司獨自開發,通過辨認每幀畫面的人物及物體的輪廓和顏色,以最合適的縱深效果呈現立體感。該公司今年2月已發售了具備這一功能的業務用轉換機(價格約 250萬日元)。輸入普通映像後即可欣賞到三維效果。





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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.09 08:48:37 PM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Most of Sony's TVs Over 40-Inches in Size Will be 3D-Enabled In Next Year

Most of Sony's TVs Over 40-Inches in Size Will be 3D-Enabled In Next Year

By the end of 2011, Sony is planning to cut most of the pure-2D models out of its 40-inch and over offering, upping the number of 3D-enabled sets. We can look forward to higher prices, then. [AV Watch via CrunchGear]


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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.15 11:07:42 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Nielsen survey: 3dtvs more appealing to those who’ve never used it

They say the grass is greener on the other side, and that seems to be the case in this joint survey conducted by the Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing and Nielsen regarding the appeal of 3DTV. The survey asked a number of American consumers whether they were interested in buying a 3DTV, and the results were hilarious but also expected – overall, people became less interested in buying a 3DTV once they’ve seen one in action. Ouch.

nielsen ctam 3dtv survey

As you can see, the number of people “not at all likely” to purchase a 3DTV within the next 12 months more than doubled after the group being surveyed watched on a 3DTV. But that doesn’t mean that people didn’t find the tech impressive; the top three concerns about 3DTVs were price (68%), the fact that one had to wear 3D glasses (57%), and the simple truth that there’s just not a lot of content in 3D yet (44%). I don’t think that price is a problem; just like any gadget (that’s not made by Apple), 3DTV prices will go down soon enough (and they really already are). I’m with the crowd who hate the damned glasses, but even if there was a glasses-free 3DTV I’m going to stick with my HDTV, simply because I get headaches when I view 3D video. What about you guys? Can’t wait to get a 3DTV or are you fine with your two dimensional world?

[via Nielsen via Geek]


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.27 11:52:39 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急


據報導,空間查看正開發一套軟硬件解決方案,可使用戶無需佩戴眼鏡,在iPhone或Android的手機上觀看三維立體電影或圖像。這款 3DeeCentral應用將首先推出iPhone版。它實際是在線電影商店的入口,用戶登陸後可下載內容,配合該公司的3DeeSlide屏幕即可觀看。3DeeSlide是一個固定在手機上的透鏡屏幕罩,可工作於水平和豎直模式,支援觸控。iPhone版應用現已


預計上述應用和屏幕將於秋季稍晚時候發布。iPhone屏幕價格預計在20美元以內,兼容iPhone的3G和3GS的。適用於 iPhone 4,ipad和Android的設備的屏幕也將在產品首發後上市。

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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.28 11:28:38 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急




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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.30 12:07:02 PM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Star Wars saga to get 3-D makeover, starting with 'Phantom Menace' in 2012



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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.04 11:49:27 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

One Day The iPhone Will Really Display Holograms Like This

This is a clever video that only your mom might believe, but it makes me excited for the future where videos and pictures can be displayed as holograms. I can already imagine Jobs giving it a snooty name, like Magic Vision.

What's the over/under on this becoming reality? The iPhone 14? [DVICE]


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.06 11:25:54 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Toshiba 3D TV Ditches Glasses but Demands Tight Seating

Toshiba on Monday announced what it claims are the world's first LCD TVs that render three-dimensional (3D) images without the need for glasses.


Toshiba's new 3D Regza GL1 series of 3D TVs don't require glasses.



The new Glasses-less 3D Regza GL1 series was unveiled at the Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies (Ceatec) in Tokyo.

They use technology similar to that employed in the Nintendo 3DS hand-held game console. The larger of the two uses the Cell processor, which is also used in the PlayStation 3, to process images.

They will be released in Japan by the end of the year.

However, viewers must sit within a specific zone in order to get the 3D effect.

Given this technological limitation, and the poor overall state of the global economy, will the new TVs be in demand? And will they replace 2D TVs?

Peering at the Glasses-less Regzas

Toshiba's new line consists of the 20GL1, with a 20-inch screen, and the 12GL1, with a 12-inch screen.

They use an integral imaging system and a perpendicular lenticular sheet to display smooth images. Toshiba's image processing technology creates nine parallax images from the original content and renders them in 3D. Both have high-definition LED backlit LCD panels created for 3D capability without glasses.

"Tests on this approach have had surprisingly good results," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group.

The integral imaging system reproduces the design and tracks of beams of light by sampling light at several angles, then combining them into one smooth, continuous display, Toshiba said.

A lenticular sheet consists of an array of lenses that transmits images in a horizontal plane. The sheet is semi-circular in profile.

The LCD panels align pixels to prevent degradation in image resolution and blurring, Toshiba said.

The 20GL1 set integrates the Cell Regza Engine, which is based on the Cell Broadband engine, to deliver superior multimedia processing. The Cell Broadband Engine was jointly developed by IBM (NYSE: IBM), Sony (NYSE: SNE) Group and Toshiba for the Sony PlayStation 3. It has a central processing unit based on IBM's Power Architecture technology.

That helps improve the image.

"There's quite a lot of post-processing of the image to ensure it looks sharp and shadow free," Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "The Cell engine carries the bulk of the load and contributes quite a bit to the quality of the 3D image Toshiba's 3D TV sets will offer."

Toshiba's 20GL1 uses an LED backlit LCD panel, which positions 1,440 LEDs directly under the LCD panel. The LCD panel has about 829 million pixels -- about four times the number in a full high-definition panel. Each pixel supports RGB display in a layout designed for 3D imaging, through replicating image data from each pixel nine times. The lenticular sheet controls the direction in which the replicated image data is transmitted.

The 12Gl1 TV screen has 147 million pixels. It integrates an LED panel that displays 466 x 350 pixels.

Gotta Be in the Zone

One of the major drawbacks of Toshiba's glassless 3D technology is that viewers must sit in a specific zone in order to get the 3D effect. There is a viewing zone that can be seen as 3D; however, outside of this zone, images may not be seen in 3D, in whole or in part, according to the company.

"The 3D technology always consists of a trade-off between viewing angles and convenience," Carl Howe, director of anywhere consumer research at the Yankee Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Glasses allow viewers to sit wherever they want, because they can control the images your eyes see. If you don't use glasses, the TV has to control which images go to which eye, which of necessity restricts the viewing angle," he added.

"This technology works by angling two different images to each eye from the screen, which is why you need to be sitting right in front of the set," Enderle said. "However, the image falls apart as you add people who are sitting off-center to the set," he remarked.

"One of the reasons why these Toshiba sets are small is that you need an optimal seating position," Pietro Macchiarella, a research analyst at Parks Associates, pointed out. "Toshiba's probably targeting an audience of one or two viewers at a time."

However, the move's probably a good marketing tactic because Macchiarella is "a bit skeptical about the short-term feasibility of glass-free 3D TVs with larger screens."

2D or 3D?

The future success of 3D TVs -- ones the require viewers to don specs or otherwise -- is still a topic of much speculation.

"I think 3D TV risks becoming the Quadraphonic Sound of the 2010s, which is why Toshiba is taking the risk of promoting 3D without the need for glasses," the Yankee Group's Howe said. "Consumers have invested too much in new flat-panel TVs in the last few years to go out and buy 3D TVs except in limited quantities. 3D TV isn't going to be the breakout hit technology of the holidays for 2010," he added.

"The 3D TVs will likely do well in space-constrained Japan, but will likely have difficulty getting accepted outside of that country due to their small size and relatively high price," Enderle predicted.

"Right now, the diversity of technologies, the high prices, the distinct lack of good 3D content, and the lack of widespread of 3D conversion technology like that used by Cyberlink are the major barriers to adoption," Enderle said.


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.06 11:35:11 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

The Best 3DTVs

The Best 3DTVs Some 3D HDTVs actually kinda suck. The 3D effect can break down during fast movement and the active shutter glasses sometimes create a constant flickering effect. If you want decent 3D, check out these great sets recommended by Televisioninfo.com.

Samsung UN55C7000

The Best 3DTVs
Product Name: Samsung UN55C7000, Screen Size: 55 inches, Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Refresh Rate: 120 Hz, Price: $1,999.99

The Samsung UN55C7000 is a gorgeous TV with decent 3D emulation. Its 3D effect holds up pretty well under most conditions, the one exception being high contrast areas. The glasses seem to sync up with the TV better than most other sets, since there's barely any flicker while the active shutters are doing their thing.

Sony XBR-52HX909

The Best 3DTVs
Product Name: Sony XBR-52HX909, Screen Size: 52 inches, Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Refresh Rate: 240 Hz, Price: $3,699.99

The Sony XBR-52HX909's 3D effect is a bit inconsistent, but when it's working it's amazing. The 3D effect for background and mid-range objects is great, and the TV really only has a problem with things in the immediate foreground and the cliché "popping out of the screen" effect. The best part: even without 3D, this is a great TV. The XBR-52HX909 has great picture quality and Sony's incredible line-up of online content.

Panasonic TC-P50VT20

The Best 3DTVs
Product Name: Panasonic TC-P50VT20, Screen Size: 50 inches, Resolution: 1920 x 1080, Refresh Rate: 96 Hz, Price: $2,500.00

If we had to choose one manufacturer for a 3D HDTV, it'd be Panasonic. The TC-P50VT20 might be a first generation 3D HDTV, but it's still one of the best we've seen so far. The effect holds up well even in areas of high contrast or fast motion, and the active shutter glasses don't create an obnoxious flicker effect.


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