相關物件共 10
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-Nima plugin PhysX_2.8.0_mayaplugin_Maya8.5 (2008.04.20)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk/Alias Maya.
-PhysX plugin NVIDIA_3DSMax_Plugin_PhysX_SDK_2.8.0 (2008.04.20)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk 3ds Max.
-Imaginary Game Engine PhysX.NET 0.9.0 for Ageia PhysX 2.8.0 (2008.04.20)
The Imaginary Game Engine project tries to create a full-featured, modular and multi-threaded game engine in C#, usable with both Microsoft's .NET runtime and Mono.
AMD欲收購物理加速技術公司Ageia (2007.11.26)
外電消息報導,AMD日前透露,AMD正在考慮收購物理加速技術公司Ageia,以強化其技術能力,補強與英特爾(Intel)之間的落差。 報導中指出,在Intel收購了物理加速引擎研發公司Havok公司之後
-Nima plugin current version (2007.09.26)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk/Alias Maya.
-PhysX plugin contributions (2007.07.03)
A plug-in used for defining and exporting physics content for AGEIA PhysX in Autodesk 3ds Max.
-physx irrlicht jedi force irrlicht physx framework v0.1 (2007.07.02)
this is an Open Source Game based on Irrlicht3D and Ageia Physx 2.7.0. "JediForce" is a Jedi Academy's Concept super upgrade. Also i'm planning to include strong elements of Role Playing. also Multiplayer. Everyone can join the project
-Monster Engine - a open game engine Aupro Tool (2007.06.29)
A open dynamic 3d game engine based around Ogre3d, Ageia PhysX, OpenAL, scriptable in the LUA language. The FPS demo game Monkeys in the Dark presenting the engine power with use of deferred shading, normal mapping and the new technic of dynamic sound
偏執又偏鋒 資訊用GPU持續激進 (2006.11.01)
今日GPU的運用領域可說是愈來愈廣,除了資訊領域的個人電腦、專業繪圖工作站、伺服器之外,在消費性電子的領域也頗多斬獲,例如STB視訊機頂盒、HDTV高清晰數位電視、Media Center媒體中心、Game Console電視遊樂器等也都需要GPU
微軟積極進軍「機器人」市場 企圖建立標準平台 (2006.09.06)

1 Bourns全新薄型高爬電距離隔離變壓器適用於閘極驅動和高壓電池管理系統
2 Basler全新小型高速線掃描相機適合主流應用
3 意法半導體整合化高壓功率級評估板 讓馬達驅動器更小且性能更強
4 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400記憶體 同級最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件
7 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
8 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
9 意法半導體新款750W馬達驅動參考板適用於家用和工業設備
10 Bourns SA2-A系列高壓氣體放電管新品符合AEC-Q200標準


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