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-RDPManager RDP Manager v1.51 (2008.07.18)
RDPManager is a configurable menu that sits in the system tray and opens remote desktop windows to other machines, using RDP (Remote Desktop), VNC, or PCAnywhere.
一個做遠端顯示操作用的軟體程式,類似PcAnywhere,只要透過Internet就可以操控遠方主機。-RealVNC 4.1.2 (2006.05.18)
-BeFaster 3.6 (2005.11.21)
BeFaster is an internet speed up toolkit that supports AOL, Symantec PcAnyWhere, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. You can configure settings manually or the program can automatically configure them for you
-BeFaster 3.55 (2005.08.31)
BeFaster is an internet speed up toolkit that supports AOL, Symantec PcAnyWhere, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. You can configure settings manually or the program can automatically configure them for you
一個檔案或目錄之內容同步工具程式-SyncEXP 1.87d (2005.06.14)
-BeFaster 3.54 (2005.05.27)
BeFaster is an internet speed up toolkit that supports AOL, Symantec PcAnyWhere, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. You can configure settings manually or the program can automatically configure them for you
-BeFaster 3.53 (2005.03.09)
BeFaster is an internet speed up toolkit that supports AOL, Symantec PcAnyWhere, Opera, Dial-up modem, Lan, Cable Modem, xDSL, ISDN, T1, DirectPc and Cable/DSL running PPPoE. You can configure settings manually or the program can automatically configure them for you
精簡但強大的遠端搖控桌面軟體 – TightVNC (2004.01.15)
pcAnywhere 10.0中文版 強化安全及加密功能 (2001.04.23)
網際網路安全技術及解決方案領導廠商賽門鐵克推出 pcAnywhere 10.0 企業版及個人單機版,強化加密、掃描功能,增加能節省IT專業人員管理時間的『套件』程式(pcAnywhere Packager)及最佳化精靈,提供企業MIS、技術維修人員、商務差旅人士及SOHO族等人員最安全及更有效率的遠端管理及溝通工具
賽門鐵克推出遠程遙控軟體pcAnywhere 10.0中文版 (2001.04.23)
賽門鐵克日前推出了 pcAnywhere 10.0 企業版及個人單機版,強化加密、掃描功能,增加能節省IT專業人員管理時間的『套件』程式(pcAnywhere Packager)及最佳化精靈(Optimisation Wizard),提供企業MIS、技術維修人員、商務差旅人士及SOHO族等人員最安全及更有效率的遠端管理及溝通工具
剖析Thin-Client之企業應用優勢 (2000.07.01)
有鑑於電腦太過於複雜且昂貴的因素,單純、輕巧及實用的精簡型電腦(Thin-Client)應運而生,Thin-Client的運作模式介於大型主機系統與Client/Server之間, 兼具Client/Server的機動性與大型主機系統的集中管理優點

1 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
2 宜鼎率先量產CXL記憶體模組 為AI伺服器與資料中心三合一升級
3 Diodes新款12通道LED驅動器可提升數位看板和顯示器效能
4 Littelfuse推出高頻應用的雙5安培低壓側MOSFET柵極驅動器
5 Vishay推出獲沉浸式許可的新尺寸IHPT觸覺回饋致動器
6 瑞薩第四代R-Car車用SoC瞄準大量L2+ ADAS市場
7 恩智浦整合超寬頻安全測距與短距雷達推動自動化IIoT應用
8 貿澤電子即日起供貨Renesas Electronics RA8M1語音套件
9 Toshiba推出1200 V第三代碳化矽肖特基柵極二極體新產品
10 Nordic新款nRF54系列SoC將支援藍牙6.0通道探測功能


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