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[CES]新創團隊話題足 聚焦聯網家庭和穿戴式 (2015.01.09)
CES向來是國際大廠的重要舞台,各家知名大廠每年在此展示其產品和技術的地方外,不過除此之外,CES當中也不乏許多新創公司在此展示他們的創新產品與技術,美國消費性電子協會CEO Gary Shapiro指出
-Seymour Seymour0.0.0 (2008.08.06)
A collection of modeling tools for system comprehension. Includes 1) DEMOS2K - a semantically justified version of DEMOS 2) SAVANT - a tool for evaluating system availability 3) GOLDSTAR - an arbitrary reward calculation system
Cypress推出CYRF6936 2.4-GHz無線解決方案 (2008.07.24)
Cypress公司宣布Savant Systems公司採用Cypress專屬的CYRF6936 2.4-GHz無線解決方案,用於開發其ROSIE射頻遙控器。ROSIE遙控器採用Cypress的無線技術,能克服紅外線技術的諸多限制,包括可目視直線距離以及低於10公尺的傳輸距離
-Sudoku Savant sudoku-savant-1.2.1 (2008.07.08)
A simple GUI-driven application to solve and generate sudoku puzzles through logical means. Also supports manual solving, with pencil marks and cell colouring. Should be able to solve any standard sudoku from a newspaper or magazine
-Sudoku Savant Sudoku Savant 1.2 (2007.12.28)
A simple GUI-driven application to solve and generate sudoku puzzles through logical means. Also supports manual solving, with pencil marks and cell colouring. Should be able to solve any standard sudoku from a newspaper or magazine
-Sudoku Savant Sudoku Savant 1.0 (2006.07.11)
A simple GUI-driven application to solve and generate sudoku puzzles through logical means. Also supports manual solving, with pencil marks and cell colouring.
-MVC8 lightweight php mvc framework 0.8 (2005.02.24)
MVC8 : a VERY lightweight MVC web development and templating framework for PHP. It will incorporate parts of the Savant templating design but shall not grow over 80kb(in total). A comprehensive and understandable documentatio

1 Microchip發佈適用於醫學影像和智慧機器人的PolarFireR FPGA和SoC解決方案協議堆疊
2 u-blox 推出適用於穿戴應用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC
3 安勤推出搭載NVIDIA Jetson平台邊緣AI方案新系列
4 Microchip 推出新款統包式電容式觸控控制器產品 MTCH2120
5 貿澤電子即日起供應適用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT應用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK開發套件
6 凌華科技透過 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增強邊緣 AI 解決方案
7 意法半導體推出網頁工具,加速搭載智慧感測器的AIoT專案開發
8 Littelfuse NanoT IP67級輕觸開關系列新增操作選項
9 意法半導體推出首款與高通合作之支援STM32的無線 IoT 模組
10 Bourns推出全新高效能 超緊湊型氣體放電管 (GDT) 浪湧保護解決方案


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