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-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-1.3.3-beta (2008.06.28)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
Freescale和ArrayComm合作WiMAX晶片解決方案 (2007.09.17)
-ib wireless broadband driver 1.3.2 (2007.02.20)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-1.2.9 (2006.08.18)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-2.0.0 (2005.11.01)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
-ib wireless broadband driver 1.2.1 (2005.06.16)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
從IEEE 802.20看4G前途 (2004.01.15)
在眾多媒體反覆報導討論3G發展現況的同時,「4G」也正逐漸成熟,最新的標準IEEE 802.20整合了覆蓋範圍與連線速度的優點,成為最被看好新4G標準,本文即帶領讀者深入了解802.20的技術優勢
Craig Barratt出任Atheros總裁兼執行長 (2003.03.28)
Atheros Communications公司近日宣佈委任Craig Barratt博士為該公司之總裁兼執行長。Barratt博士於二○○二年四月加入Atheros擔任技術副總裁,而該公司之前任執行長Rich Redelfs將擔任董事會副董事長
7家電信公司競標澳洲3G電信執照 (2001.02.20)

1 u-blox新推兩款精巧型模組內建最新Nordic藍牙晶片
2 Western Digital全新極速8TB桌上型SSD 釋放數位創作無限可能
3 Littelfuse單芯超級電容器保護積體電路用於增強型備用電源解決方案
4 Microchip安全觸控螢幕控制器系列新品提供加密驗證和資料加密功能
5 凌華科技新款顯示卡搭載Intel Arc A380E GPU
6 ST高成本效益無線連接晶片 讓eUSB配件、裝置和工控設備擺脫電線羈絆
7 Microchip新型PIC32CK 32位元微控制器搭載硬體安全模組
8 LitePoint攜手三星電子進展 FiRa 2.0新版安全測距測試用例
9 Transphorm與偉詮電子合作推出新款整合型氮化鎵器件
10 意法半導體新款高壓側開關整合智慧多功能 提供系統設計高彈性


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