相關物件共 10
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Parallel Wireless和西班牙電訊在拉美偏遠地區成功完成技術試用 (2018.02.26)
Parallel Wireless和西班牙電訊宣佈,兩家公司成功完成了基於Parallel Wireless可編程開放式RAN的技術試用,此次技術試用能夠連接拉美偏遠地區,並讓流動寬頻成為西班牙電訊「Internet Para Todos」(把互聯網帶給每個人)計劃的一部分
卡巴斯基發布2008年7月惡意程式排行 (2008.08.06)
安捷倫與CWS合作提供完整可靠度測試解決方案 (2007.02.27)
安捷倫科技(Agilent)日前宣佈與專為半導體測試市場提供加速和長期可靠度測試解決方案及分析工具廠商Core Wafer Systems(CWS)達成一項協議。CWS的ASUR(Advanced Scaleable Unified Reliability;先進可擴充統一可靠度)解決方案套件獨家採用安捷倫的系統測試儀器,組成單器件可靠度(SDR)和多址平行器件可靠度(PDR)測試產品
-CentricWare Suite cws-0.3 (2007.02.27)
Inventory, manufacturing, sales (POS) automation suite that consists of software written in Java 6 and custom developed hardware.
-AboutBuster 6.06 (2007.02.20)
AboutBuster removes the HomeSearch Assistant parasite (CWS.HomeSearch, CWS.SeDLL, CWS.MfPlay) that changes your browser home page to something like res:///random and also delivers popup ads to your computer. Just unzip and run the program and follow the instructions
-AboutBuster 6.04 (2006.07.21)
AboutBuster removes the HomeSearch Assistant parasite (CWS.HomeSearch, CWS.SeDLL, CWS.MfPlay) that changes your browser home page to something like res:///random and also delivers popup ads to your computer. Just unzip and run the program and follow the instructions
-AboutBuster 6.02 (2006.05.21)
AboutBuster removes the HomeSearch Assistant parasite (CWS.HomeSearch, CWS.SeDLL, CWS.MfPlay) that changes your browser home page to something like res:///random and also delivers popup ads to your computer. Just unzip and run the program and follow the instructions
-CelSius Web Script ~ Cws 1.0.1 (2006.03.17)
! We're looking for contributors https://sourceforge.net/people/?group_id=158738 ! CelSius Web Script is a C++ written all-new and accurate scripting language, optimized for web, but which can be used with files or directly from command-line
-AboutBuster 6.0 (2005.12.30)
AboutBuster removes the HomeSearch Assistant parasite (CWS.HomeSearch, CWS.SeDLL, CWS.MfPlay) that changes your browser home page to something like res:///random and also delivers popup ads to your computer. Just unzip and run the program and follow the instructions
調查:平均每台PC有26.5個間諜軟體 (2004.08.12)

1 Bourns全新薄型高爬電距離隔離變壓器適用於閘極驅動和高壓電池管理系統
2 Basler全新小型高速線掃描相機適合主流應用
3 意法半導體整合化高壓功率級評估板 讓馬達驅動器更小且性能更強
4 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400記憶體 同級最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件
6 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
8 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
9 意法半導體新款750W馬達驅動參考板適用於家用和工業設備
10 Bourns SA2-A系列高壓氣體放電管新品符合AEC-Q200標準


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