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使用MCC Melody來幫助您實現跨平台的程式開發 (2023.08.28)
MPLAB® Code Configurator(MCC) 是MPLAB X IDE的免費插件,可為有支持的微處理器提供輕鬆的設置和配置體驗。而本文將會介紹Microchip的MCC Melody,了解它如何協助您更簡易、更方便設計出可靠及高效率的產品
2017 IT技術新賽局開跑 (2017.01.12)
[Computex]廣積SI-60E電視牆專用播放器獲選為2015 BC Award買主人氣獎 (2015.06.10)
歷經10天、超過五千人參與網路投票,41 件得獎產品再度激烈角逐,統計投票結果出爐,工業電腦與嵌入式系統廠商廣積科技的SI-60E十二螢幕輸出超高解析8K電視牆專用數位看板播放器以最高得票榮獲本屆BC Award Buyer's Choice買主人氣獎! 本屆脫穎而出的SI-60E為針對多螢幕影音電視牆播放需求所量身打造的創新型播放器
3D顯示技術研習(台北班) (2012.07.05)
課程介紹 3D顯示技術發展趨勢與市場 3D內容製作與影像處理技術 3D專利解析 講師介紹 課程講師:鄭尊仁 組長 ◎現職:工業技術研究院-電子與光電研究所立體影像
-Smans data server 1.9 ru (2008.07.07)
It's a Web site content manager and tools for Web database and site development. To create database and dynamic Web site, developer needs to know only HTML (no SQL/JSP/ASP/PHP). Server provides a remote Web-interface from mobile phones, PDA and PC
-Planet Mongo PHP Content Manager 0.04a (2008.05.09)
Planet Mongo is a concise, versatile web content manager. It boasts quick and easy setup, as it doesn't use any MySQL. PMCMS focuses on websites that do not need the bulk of large content managers, while maintaining eloquent flexibility and ease of use
-Roswell Secure Content Manager LCW Subproject 1.0 release (2008.01.15)
The goal of this project is to create an expandable secure content store along the lines described by JSR 283 supporting an access model, which incorporates both discretionary and mandatory access controls.
-Greenwood PHP Content Manager release-0.3.2 (2007.09.25)
Greenwood is a minimalistic web content manager. In a nutshell, it is an interface between the web client and a recursive directory on the web server's file system. The files used to create each page contain Wiki-similar markup
-creasito e-commerce content manager CREASITO1.3.16 (2007.09.22)
Content management e-commerce web based written in php mysql using Flash templates.Portale E-commerce con amministrazione Contabilit? (fatturazione, gestione banche controllo pagamenti fornitori magazzino contabilita) pagine flash personalizzabili
-Greenwood PHP Content Manager release-3.1 (2007.08.28)
Greenwood is a minimalistic Web content manager: In a nutshell, it's an interface between a web browser and a directory on the web server, maintains its own database including meta-data and a cache of the directory, and has a web-based content manager
ESI VisualDSS使基於模擬的設計成爲可能 (2007.07.13)
-Education Testing Management 1.0 (2007.04.18)
The project purpose is to give the ability to the users to create and execute tests, part of an educational process. It defines two roles: teacher (content manager) and student.
-creasito e-commerce content manager creasito1.3.13 (2007.03.05)
Content management e-commerce web based written in php mysql using Flash templates.Portale E-commerce con amministrazione Contabilit? (fatturazione, gestione banche controllo pagamenti fornitori magazzino contabilita) pagine flash personalizzabili
-Web Wrench/DOOM CMS 1.0 (2007.02.14)
Web Wrench is a object oriented PHP website application framework and document manager system. DOOM CMS is a collection of Wrench modules which adds content manager functionality. Currently supports MySQL and PostGreSQL.
-Planet Mongo PHP Content Manager 0.03a (2007.01.28)
Planet Mongo is a concise, versatile web content manager. It boasts quick and easy setup, as it doesn't use any MySQL. PMCMS focuses on websites that do not need the bulk of large content managers, while maintaining eloquent flexibility and ease of use
-KnowledgebasePublisher 2.0RC1 (2007.01.17)
KnowledgebasePublisher is a knowledgebase software, FAQ solution or just content manager about any other type of articles that you want to publish on your website.
-KnowledgebasePublisher (faq software) 2.0beta1 (2006.12.04)
KnowledgebasePublisher is a knowledgebase software, FAQ solution or just content manager about any other type of articles that you want to publish on your website.
-bluebery beta- (2006.11.30)
bluebery is an easy-to-use sql/php based content manager that provides php libraries and methods to use in your sites pages with which you can very easily access & print desired items, or an iteration of items that are stored through the bluebery web ui
-Django-driven web-based content-manager (2006.11.07)
The Django-driven web-based book-authoring content-management-system (ddwbbacms) is a program that allows authors to work on their books, articles, or topics without having to have their hard drives nearby. Access to the web is all that is required
-PSPy 1.0-ubuntu-deb (2006.11.04)
PSPy is a content manager for the Sony PSP. You will have acces to your homebrews, games backup, savegames, videos and music. Written in Python for Unix systems, using Glade/pyGTK, under the GPL license.

     [1]  2   [下一頁]

1 美光最低延遲創新主記憶體MRDIMM正式送樣
2 艾邁斯歐司朗與greenteg創新體溫監測技術 為耐力運動領域帶來新變革
3 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
4 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
5 Ceva蜂巢式物聯網平台整合至意法半導體NB-IoT工業模組
6 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
7 捷揚光電 全新4K錄播系統可提升多頻道NDI串流體驗
8 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
9 英飛凌新一代CoolGaN電晶體系列採用8 吋晶圓製程
10 凌華OSM開放式系統模組開啟嵌入式運算新紀元


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