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gSOAP 是一款跨平台開發工具為 C 和 C ++ SOAP XML Web 服務使用。-gSOAP Toolkit (2011.04.18)
gSOAP 是一款跨平台開發工具為 C 和 C ++ SOAP XML Web 服務使用。
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.11 stable (2008.07.27)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development toolkit for C and C++ SOAP XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2,WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.10 stable (2008.01.28)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development toolkit for C and C++ SOAP XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2,WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.9l stable (2007.09.27)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development toolkit for C and C++ SOAP XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2,WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.9h stable (2007.06.27)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development environment for C/C++ XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2, WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.9f stable (2007.04.27)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development environment for C/C++ XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2, WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.9c stable (2007.02.12)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development environment for C/C++ XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2, WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.9 stable (2006.11.06)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development environment for C/C++ XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2, WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
-gSOAP Toolkit gSOAP 2.7.8a stable (2006.06.10)
gSOAP is a cross-platform development environment for C/C++ XML Web services (SOAP1.1/1.2, WSDL1.1). gSOAP supports XML serialization of native C/C++ data types. Includes SOAP/XML engine, Web server, stub/skeleton compiler, WSDL tools, and much more
剖析WSDL的架構與實作 (2004.12.01)
W3C發佈關鍵性的網路服務標準—SOAP 1.2 (2003.06.26)
網路標準化組織W3C將於本週正式批准一個關鍵性的網路服務協定。 W3C表示,它已將SOAP1.2版作為正式標準公開發佈。SOAP是網路業界轉向建立網路服務軟體的支援標準之一

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3 凌華科技新款顯示卡搭載Intel Arc A380E GPU
4 LitePoint攜手三星電子進展 FiRa 2.0新版安全測距測試用例
5 愛德萬測試發表V93000 EXA Scale SoC測試系統超高電流電源供應板卡
6 Microchip新型PIC32CK 32位元微控制器搭載硬體安全模組
7 意法半導體新款高壓側開關整合智慧多功能 提供系統設計高彈性
8 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud設備管理服務
9 安提國際MegaEdge系列新品為邊緣AI推論與電腦視覺應用賦能
10 長陽生醫推出Miicraft光固化3D列印機 協助牙科提升醫療能量


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