IBM与红帽携手合作加速混合云采用 (2018.05.17) IBM与红帽公司宣布双方将扩展长期的合作关系,这将使IBM与红帽的客户同时获益於这两家公司在私有云与公有云方面的技术能力,此项协议建立在IBM最近以容器重新设计整个软体产品组合的策略基础上,这些产品包含WebSphere、MQ系列及Db2 |
睡眠呼吸中止症之简易型预测系统 (2016.03.03) 高便利性、低价位和简易实用的睡眠呼吸中止症的预警器有其必要及急迫性,本研究以期让需求者能够快速检测出异状,对睡眠呼吸中止的现象加以预警。 |
2015 MorSensor无线感测积木创意应用设计竞赛成果出炉 (2015.12.21) 「2015 MorSensor无线感测积木创意应用设计竞赛」决赛成果于国家实验研究院晶片系统设计中心奈米电子大楼出炉,由台湾科技大学电子工程系「Dlife」队以「Smart Wash」夺得金牌及奖金12万元,银牌则由「Plant酱」队的「MorSensor 温度、湿度、UVI、九轴感测器与日常生活结合之虚拟盆栽APP」及「丛缺」队的「颜色感测器」获得 |
是一款轻量级的数据库架构浏览器和 SQL 编辑器为 Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2 数据库。-DBGet (2011.08.26) 是一款轻量级的数据库架构浏览器和 SQL 编辑器为 Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2 数据库。 |
Web控制面板的DB2:帮助您了解关于DB2的使用演示和教程的工具-Technology Explorer for IBM DB2 (2011.02.02) Web控制面板的DB2:帮助您了解关于DB2的使用演示和教程的工具 |
一个可用于各类数据库系统的 ASP 应用程序集工具软件-ASPRunner Professional 6.3 (2010.11.05) 一个可用于各类数据库系统的 ASP 应用程序集工具软件 |
-qDBSync (2010.09.01) Command line tool for syncronize heterogeneous databases. Work via QT4 drivers (Drivers for SQLite, QDBC, Firebird are included. Drivers for IBase, DB2, Postgeress, Mysql may be compilled by Qt4 (4.6.3 by now))) |
-Open source dbExpress drivers (2010.08.06) DbExpress driver for ODBC. Supports Delphi 7 & 6.02, BCB 6, and Kylix 2 & 3. Tested against many Databases including: Microsoft SqlServer, Oracle, IBM DB2, Centura SqlBase, MySql, Microsoft Access, and |
-Eclipse SQL Explorer [RCP/Plugin] (2010.07.31) Eclipse SQL Client for database querying/browsing any JDBC compliant database. It supports plugins with specialized functionality for individual databases (Oracle, DB2 and MySQL) and can be extended for to include specialized support for other DB's |
-ejpa (2010.06.01) Easier Java Persistence API. An annotation and configuration free ORM with automatic everything (mapping (A-O/RM), associations, persistence tracking). The easiest Java ORM.
automatic object/relational mapping (A-O/RM)
automatic handling of all associations
automatic persistence tracking
no configuration |
M Systems (2010.02.23)
About Us
Founded in 1996 and headquartered in the Research Triangle Park area (Durham) of North Carolina, M Systems is a fast growing solutions provider specializing in e-commerce and database applications |
一款全方位的Java实体关系设计& 塑造(ERD)为Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres,DB2,Database change&dictionary管理-Mogwai Java Tools Release 0.5 (2009.06.27) 一款全方位的Java实体关系设计& 塑造(ERD)为Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres,DB2,Database change&dictionary管理 |
IBM与西门子发布整合解决方案 (2009.06.25) IBM和产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件和服务供货商Siemens PLM Software宣布,双方将共同推出全新解决方案,旨在改善企业在整个生命周期中对产品的管理, 包括从设计制造到产品生命终期的规划及回收, 并简化关键产品数据及制造规划的共享流程 |
Fortinet跨足数据安全领域发表数据库安全设备 (2008.10.20) 整合式威胁管理解决方案厂商Fortinet,正式在台发表首款专用于数据库弱点评估的安全设备FortiDB-1000B。属于全新产品线的FortiDB-1000B,适用于中型企业,能藉由侦测密码、访问权限和组态设定的弱点,确保数据库的安全性 |
-FINA - FINANCIAL & FISCAL SUPERVISION 3.4.2 (2008.08.06) FinA is 3-tier J2EE, OS/DB independent application for SUPERVISORS to receive data from FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, store it in db (ORACLE/MSSQL/DB2/MySql) and generate reports. System use: Openoffice.org, Jboss, Mysql. See:www.fina2 |
-DBEdit 2 2.1.5 (2008.06.14) DBEdit is a database editing tool, written in Java, which is suitable as a front-end GUI for your Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database. DBEdit's core functionalities provide aid to common data editing tasks and reporting, as well as database synchronization |
-Indiana University CLSD Parser Scripts 200305-ENZYME (2008.06.10) Data Ingest Parsers for Centralized Life Science Data service for use with IBM DiscoveryLink/DB2. |
-Web Time Entry WebTimeEntry-5.080601 (2008.06.01) Web Time Entry is a web based project time entry and client billing system. Track, approve and manage employee time incurred for projects and clients you define. Intuitive for users & easy painless installation! Runs on MySQL, MS-SQL Server, Derby, DB2 |
-DB2JMIN (An easy-to-use MULTI-DB Client) 0.1.9 (2008.05.05) Web-Based/Desktop DB2, ORACLE, DERBY, FIREBIRD, MYSQL,POSTGRE client (general-purpose), inspired on phpMyAdmin. It runs on Tomcat 5.5 or SWING with JDK 1.5 (Multi-plataform, Schema Browsing, Tables Browsing, Tables Structure, |
-DBEdit 2 2.1.4 (2008.04.02) DBEdit is a database editing tool, written in Java, which is suitable as a front-end GUI for your Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database. DBEdit's core functionalities provide aid to common data editing tasks and reporting, as well as database synchronization |