鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 71
DVD机器与盘片各类信息取得之工具程序-DVD Identifier 5.2.0 (2009.07.15)
-DVDPizza 1.0.15 (2007.05.13)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your personal DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program supports NTSC/PAL movies, D5/9 DVDs, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW and is compatible with any SCSI, IDE, USB DVD burner/recorder
消费性电子晶片的设计策略 (2007.03.22)
-DVDPizza 1.0.13 (2007.02.09)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program lacks most of the features that are offered by more advanced DVD copy programs, which makes it suitable (but rather expensive) for novice users, but less flexible for the advanced user
-DVDPizza 1.0.11 (2006.12.01)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program lacks most of the features that are offered by more advanced DVD copy programs, which makes it suitable (but rather expensive) for novice users, but less flexible for the advanced user
游戏机市场 蓝光技术见真章 (2006.10.31)
-DVDPizza 1.0.8 (2006.09.09)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program lacks most of the features that are offered by more advanced DVD copy programs, which makes it suitable (but rather expensive) for novice users, but less flexible for the advanced user
DVD+RW联盟DCCG与台湾纪录媒体产业委员会联合研讨会 会前记者会 (2006.06.05)
Sony公司为DVD+RW联盟DCCG委员会成员之一。而DVD+RW联盟DCCG即将于6月6日下午2:30,假台北世贸中心举行记者会,会中将针对联合开放研讨会的目的及活动规划,作详尽的介绍与说明 首先,我要感谢您长久以来对于DVD+RW联盟DCCG (DVD+RW Compatibility & Convergence Group)各项活动的支持
-DVDPizza 1.0.7 (2006.05.14)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program lacks most of the features that are offered by more advanced DVD copy programs, which makes it suitable (but rather expensive) for novice users, but less flexible for the advanced user
第11届DVD Conference in Asia于台北隆重举行 (2006.04.27)
国际DVD Forum委托工业技术研究院主办,经济部技术处与台湾信息储存技术协会共同协办的DVD Conference in Asia,于04月26日在台北晶华酒店盛大举行,本国际性活动在台湾已持续举办第十一届,今年会场中DVD Forum的高层代表包括DVD Forum秘书处、Pioneer的Mr
美国SONY推出蓝光光盘系列产品 (2006.03.21)
美国SONY Electronics近日宣布将于今年2006年夏天推出蓝光影碟机BDP-S1、内建可擦写式蓝光光驱的VAIO RC Desktop和Notebook、以及组装计算机使用的内建可擦写式蓝光光驱BWU-100A。 家庭用蓝光影碟机BDP-S1售价约1000美元,将于7月份于北美市场推出,日本暂时还没有销售计划
PC主流介面横跨CE、直扑DH (2006.03.01)
光盘市场洗牌 印度MBI成DVD-R第三大厂 (2006.02.22)
-DVDPizza 1.0.4 (2006.02.17)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program lacks most of the features that are offered by more advanced DVD copy programs, which makes it suitable (but rather expensive) for novice users, but less flexible for the advanced user
可录式DVD用高功率红光雷射最新技术动向 (2005.12.05)
-DVDPizza 1.0.1 (2005.10.31)
DVDPizza is an easy-to-use tool to make copies of your DVDs. You can either backup a DVD to your hard drive, or burn a physical copy of the disc. The program lacks most of the features that are offered by more advanced DVD copy programs, which makes it suitable (but rather expensive) for novice users, but less flexible for the advanced user
Cypress高速USB控制器系列产品出货量突破五百万颗 (2005.09.07)
全球USB技术及解决方案厂商Cypress,宣布其具备业界最低耗电量之低成本、高速全新系列USB控制器的出货量已超过五百万颗。这款全新的EZ-USB LP低耗电控制器甫于2005年四月上市,运用Cypress的0
蓝光+垂储=磁带末日? (2005.08.05)
DVD +R/RW权利金 飞利浦不调降 (2005.07.13)
-DVD Identifier 3.6.3 (2005.04.13)
DVD Identifier retrieves and interprets the pre-recorded information that is present on all DVD+R/+RW and DVD-R/-RW and and DVD-RAM media. This information contains a variety of parameters such as disc manufacturing information and supported write speeds

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9 意法半导体新款750W马达驱动叁考板适用於家用和工业设备
10 Bourns SA2-A系列GDT高浪涌电流等级提升电气性能和浪涌保护


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