鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 8
「智」在「医」起 诺基亚试行远距医疗 (2016.03.01)
随着网路通讯、视讯等相关技术的进步,让远距医疗系统逐渐成熟,且变得更及时也更有效率,也为不少偏乡地区的病人带来极大的便利性。为了实现远距医疗的愿景,诺基亚与ng Connect计画携手推动一项为期半年,在马偕医院进行的远距医疗技术的试行方案,为台湾偏乡提供数位医疗照护
Alcatel-Lucent第二季宽带接取设备市场表现优异 (2007.09.20)
Dell'Oro产业研究公司报告指出,Alcatel-Lucent DSL(数字用户回路)及IP DSLAM(IP数字用户线多任务接取器)在今年第二季的表现优异,累积市占率分别达41%与38%,继续蝉连全球宽带接取设备冠军宝座
Alcatel-Lucent推出新型光纤到户 GPON解决方案 (2007.06.15)
Alcatel-Lucent宣布推出7342 ISAM光纤到户(Fiber-to-the-User)系统最新版本4.4,其为「Gigabit被动式光纤网络」(GPON;Gigabit Passive Optical Networking)系统,提供能使系统容量增加一倍的四埠卡板,每个I/O插槽因此可以支持10 Gigabits传输速率
-MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL 1.8.8 (2006.01.22)
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual database development system that enables you to design, model, create and modify MySQL databases. It also offers reverse-engineering of multiple data sources through ADO/OLEDB, allowing you to extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including, but not limited to MySQL
-MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL 1.8 (2005.09.18)
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual database development system that enables you to design, model, create and modify MySQL databases. It also offers reverse-engineering of multiple data sources through ADO/OLEDB, allowing you to extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including, but not limited to MySQL
-MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL 1.6 (2005.06.25)
MicroOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is a visual database development system that enables you to design, model, create and modify MySQL databases. It also offers reverse-engineering of multiple data sources through ADO/OLEDB, allowing you to extract tables, attributes, relationships, indexes and other objects from existing databases including, but not limited to MySQL
-JQuickBase JQB-A 0.0.4 (2005.05.28)
Java API to realize quick ISAM (Index Sequential Access Method) functionality for local application. This includes database files and scalable B+Tree (B-plus-tree) index files. Supports data backup and strong file encryption using Twofish and SHA-256
-JQuickBase JQB-A 0.0.3 (2005.02.16)
Java API to realize quick ISAM (Index Sequential Access Method) functionality for local application. This includes database files and scalable B+Tree (B-plus-tree) index files. Supports data backup and strong file encryption using Twofish and SHA-256

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6 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
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9 意法半导体新款750W马达驱动叁考板适用於家用和工业设备
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