鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 28
-aria2 - CLI Metalink/BitTorrent client (2010.08.30)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. aria2 is a multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility
多媒体带头 有线/无线宽带芯片正吹起混搭风 (2010.08.26)
-Appupdater (2010.05.11)
Appupdater provides advanced functionality to Windows, similar to apt-get or yum on Linux. It automates the process of installing and maintaining up to date versions of programs. It is fully customizable for use in a corporate environment
Lantiq收购Metalink智能产权和相关资产 (2010.01.08)
-Metalinks 0.1 (2008.08.12)
Metalinks is a project to facilitate data distribution over mirrors and P2P networks. It does so by defining an XML format and the tools to handle these. The metalink files contain all the information needed to download and verify files
-DDELinkTcp Beta 1.0 F3 (2008.08.03)
This software was designed to read and command multihead DDE Servers through a network, and also has special feature for METALINK (METASYS DDE Server).
-aria2 - CLI Metalink/BitTorrent client aria2-0.15.0 (2008.07.24)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth.
-aria2 - CLI Metalink/BitTorrent client aria2-0.13.2rc (2008.05.22)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and utilizing your download bandwidth to the maximum.
-aria2 - CLI Metalink download manager aria2-0.13.2b+20080517 (2008.05.18)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and utilizing your download bandwidth to the maximum.
-aria2 - CLI Metalink download manager aria2-0.13.1+1 (2008.03.17)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and utilizing your download bandwidth to the maximum.
另ㄧ种档案下载的工具程序,在它的下载核心引擎中可做自行分割作业,比一般浏览器的下载速度要快得多。-aria2 aria2-0.12.1 (2008.02.12)
在同步镜射或P2P网路上提供更容易做资料散布的连结验证工具。-Metalinks 2007 (2007.11.14)
报告:802.11n应用将横跨消费电子与家庭路由器 (2007.08.24)
根据市场调查研究机构ABI Research日前所发表的一份研究报告中显示,随着能够支持Wi-Fi的消费电子产品越来越广泛,802.11n的成长速度将超过其他多媒体网络传输技术。 报告中并认为,随着无线传输技术日渐成熟,数字家庭领域的多媒体娱乐环境也越来越成为可能,两者相互水涨船高提携之下,预估2011年消费电子产品中802
在同步镜射或P2P网路上提供更容易做资料散布的连结验证工具。-Metalinks 1.1.0 (2007.07.30)
802.11n柳暗花明 (2007.07.14)
下一世代的无线通信环境,需结合语音、数据、视讯以及行动化(Mobility)的四合一服务(Quad Play)内容,在数字家庭娱乐网络、IP多媒体内容传输、以及储存装置互通链接应用领域方面,都要求正确可靠的讯号质量(QoS)、高速且容量大的传输效率、覆盖范围广且具通讯方便性的通讯标准
Computex Taipei 2007展后报导 (2007.06.20)
全球IT界年度盛事Computex Taipei 2007圆满落幕。今年展会共有1333家厂商参展,使用了2926个摊位。在国内大厂方面,有宏碁、华硕、鸿海、威盛、技嘉、精英、神达、中环、铼德、英业达、正文、威达电及丽台等厂商参展
NXP于Computex展示802.11n模块应用解决方案 (2007.06.08)
恩智浦半导体(NXP Semiconductors)于台北国际计算机展(Computex Taipei 2007)中展出应用在数字家庭的802.11n WLAN模块MRX2000。NXP藉此宣示积极投入竞争激烈可期的802.11n市场的决心
-Libretto: Web download manager 0.81 Beta (2007.06.08)
Libretto is a multiuser download manager; works in a graphical Web browser; the Web Server executes the downloads and saves that in a directory of user's choice. Currently supports protocols HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, Bittorrent, Meta
74种开放源码的VoIP应用与资源 (2007.05.25)
开放源码的VoIP有什么好处呢?因为使用者得以存取相关的内码,了解实际内部运作的流程,政府也能发挥公权力,管制追查不法者的勾当,并保护一般大众的隐私。再者,Open Source在VoIP方面的资源相当丰富,仍提供更多先进与多样化的应用
Metalink在台成立亚洲第一802.11n硬件研发中心 (2007.05.16)

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