PTC为通用存取工程计算推出Mathcad Gateway解决方案 (2016.02.02) PTC公司推出 PTC Mathcad Gateway 解决方案。随着PTC Mathcad工程软体销售量突破一百万,现在PTC Mathcad Gateway结合PTC Mathcad的效能,可透过各种不同的装置随时随地进行存取计算。此解决方案提供一伺服器软体,让所有处理工程计算的使用者皆拥有通用存取权限,同时保护了企业的智慧财产 |
一款数字绘画编辑器工具:允许您创建写意画图和绘图板及各种数字油漆刷。-MyPaint 0.9.0 (2010.11.04) 一款数字绘画编辑器工具:允许您创建写意画图和绘图板及各种数字油漆刷。 |
思渤 (2009.09.04) CYBERNET SYSTEMS TAIWAN思渤科技股份有限公司,成立于2008年7月,为日CYBERNET SYSTEMS公司于亚太地区的经营据点。
思渤科技以提供专业的工程研发解决方案为经营理念,并提供专业销售、教育训练、技术支持及各项信息交流服务 |
前景光明! LED驱动IC再攀高峰 (2009.04.02) 由于高亮度LED的商品化,以及LED单价持续下降,使得LED快速进入多元应用领域,更使得LED终端产品发展更为迅速。而其中,扮演重要角色的,就是能驱使LED发光的LED驱动IC |
CODE V & LightTools Optical Design 前瞻技术高峰会 (2009.03.23) ORA (Optical Research Associates)与思渤科技将举办台湾年度盛会--2009年【CODE V & LightTools Optical Design 前瞻技术高峰会】。除了美国ORA 原厂高阶主管外,今年度特别邀请日本最大 CAE 公司 CYBERNET SYSTEMS 公司资深工程师,亲自传授日本最新光学设计技巧,以及 CODE V 如何与其他 CAE 工具的整合 |
思渤科技提供LED灯二次光学设计客制化服务 (2009.02.03) 日本CYBERNET在台子公司—思渤科技(CYBERNE SYSTEMS),宣布将提供LED灯二次光学设计客制化项目服务。本项培训服务主要针对LED相关设计及制造商,思渤引进光学设计大厂ORA公司之先进技术,提供LED灯光学设计、LED光源模型以及二次光学设计之顾问咨询服务,并提供后续的工程训练课程等等 |
-Objectreferenceanalyser 2.31 (2008.08.08) Objectreferenceanalyser (ORA) helps finding memory leaks, design weaknesses and bugs. The ORA-Framework visualizes objects, their content and relations during runtime of any Java application and is able to persist these findings for subsequent analyze |
-Objectreferenceanalyser 2.30 (2008.07.16) Objectreferenceanalyser (ORA) helps finding memory leaks, design weaknesses and bugs. The ORA-Framework visualizes objects, their content and relations during runtime of any Java application and is able to persist these findings for subsequent analyze |
CODE V & LightTools Optical Design高峰会 (2008.03.17) 全球最具盛名之光学成像及照明设计/分析技术领导大厂-ORA(Optical Research Associates)与钛思科技将举办第5届【CODE V & LightTools Optical Design 前瞻技术高峰会】;此年度盛会将让您更深入了解CODE V 9.81及LightTools 6.0之最新功能 |
-Objectreferenceanalyser 2.0 (2008.02.26) Objectreferenceanalyser (ORA) helps finding memory leaks, design weaknesses and bugs. The ORA-Framework visualizes objects, their content and relations during runtime of any Java application and is able to persist these findings for subsequent analyze |
-NemesisRD Source NemesisRD v1.7 (2008.01.25) This product is a multi-purpose, cross-platform library written in C++ to help you to develop distributed applications. It is composed by modules: NemesisRD.comm, NemesisRD.http, NemesisRD.dbms, NemesisRD.dbms.oracle, NemesisRD |
-Ora Logger ora-logger Beta 0.51 (2007.09.21) Advanced logging application/system for Oracle. |
-Objectreferenceanalyser 1.01 (2007.07.09) The ORA-Framework (Objectreferenceanalyser) can visualizes objects and their relations in memory during runtime of nearly every JAVA-application. It enables developers to take lightweight 'snapshots' of the current objects in memory |
-Objectreferenceanalyser 0.9952 (2007.02.20) The ORA-Framework (Objectreferenceanalyser) can visualizes objects and their relations in memory during runtime of nearly every JAVA-application. It enables developers to take lightweight 'snapshots' of the current objects in memory |
-GTK Ora 1.41 (2006.07.11) Oracle / GTK2 interface for Oracle SQL dev/testing. Schema browser, SQL highlight w/ bind variable set; plan tree w/ integrated stat peeking. Supports SQL retrieval from v$sqlarea, statspack, and 10g AWR; stmt history tracking in AWR; full AWR reports |
-GTK Ora 1.29 (2006.04.26) Oracle / GTK2 interface for Oracle SQL dev/testing. Schema browser, SQL highlight w/ bind variable set; plan tree w/ integrated stat peeking. Supports SQL retrieval from v$sqlarea, statspack, and 10g AWR; stmt history tracking in AWR; full AWR reports |
光学成像及照明系统设计技术论坛 (2006.03.21) 全球最具盛名之光学成像及照明设计/分析技术领导大厂-ORA® (Optical Research Associates),将与钛思科技于3月28日(周二)、3月29日(周三) 假台北六福皇宫举办第3届【CODE V® & LightTools® Optical Design 亚太科技论坛】;此技术论坛旨在协助台湾光学研发工程师们与全球尖端技术同步 |
-GTK Ora 1.10 (2006.02.23) Oracle / GTK2 interface for Oracle SQL dev/testing. Schema browser, SQL highlight w/ bind variable set; plan tree w/ integrated stat peeking. Supports SQL retrieval from v$sqlarea, statspack, and 10g AWR; stmt history tracking in AWR; full AWR reports |
钛思正式跨足光学影像设计领域 (2004.03.10) 全球光学影像设计/分析软件 Optical Research Associates日前宣布,自2004年三月一日起,已正式指定钛思科技公司为其知名光学设计软件- CodeV及照明系统设计软件-LightTools在台之独家代理商 |
威达电采用甲骨文e化系统解决方案 (2003.10.31) 甲骨文台湾分公司于31日宣布最新客户e化整合方案。Oracle指出,该公司将协助工业计算机厂商威达电建置完整的e化系统,从企业资源规划到未来的营运情报决策系统都采用Oracle的eBusiness Suite为核心,作为企业营运升级「百威计划」的根基 |