-Slurred speech recognition system soundview4.6 (2008.02.17) The goal of this program is to be a Java based speech recognition system. Currently it consists of the application SoundView, which allows a user to view the sound being received by the computer. The user can manipulate this data |
-Slurred speech recognition system soundview4.1 (2007.08.16) The goal of this program is to be a Java based speech recognition system. Currently it consists of the application SoundView, which allows a user to view the sound being received by the computer. The user can manipulate this data |
-Slurred speech recognition system soundview4.0 (2007.06.05) The goal of this program is to be a Java based speech recognition system. Currently it consists of the application SoundView, which allows a user to view the sound being received by the computer. The user can manipulate this data |
-Slurred speech recognition system soundview3.2 (2007.03.18) The goal of this program is to be a Java based speech recognition system. Currently it consists of the application SoundView, which allows a user to view the sound being received by the computer. The user can manipulate this data |
-Slurred speech recognition system slurred0.2-src.jar (2007.01.13) The goal of this program is to be a Java based speech recognition system. Currently however, it consists only of the application SoundView, which allows a user to view the sound being received by the computer. |
2004年IT支出可望微幅提高 (2004.01.05) 根据最新的报告显示,今年度公司企业的IT预算可望增加,但是不会大幅扩大。信息长杂志(CIO Magazine)日前发表了最新的「科技问卷」(Tech Poll),结果显示,未来一年内,CIO平均会增加预算6%左右 |
Amazon第二季财务营收以亏损作收 (2003.07.23) 据洛杉矶时报报导,Amazon.com在2003年第二季亏损了四千三百万美元,而每股的红利则降到11美分,Amazon.com在去年的同时期则有九千四百万美元的营收,且每股的红利达到了25美分 |
全球封测产业回春有望 (2002.07.17) 知名高科技投资银行SoundView对全球封测产业发表最新报告指出,尽管封测产业短期间的景气仍不明朗,但是由于整合组件大厂(IDM)将封测制程外包的趋势确立,因此,对封测产业的长期性基本面并不看淡 |
雅虎新执行长Semel初试啼声首季获利870万美元 (2001.07.13) 雅虎周三公布第二季营收,获利870万美元,这也是执行长Semel今年4月上任后的首次营收报告,因此备受瞩目。同时Semel也计划将雅虎转型为「一时之选的网络伙伴」,透过合资与伙伴关系,由雅虎提供庞大的用户,和内容公司交换版权作品,雅虎也会继续寻求购并的机会,并积极开发客制服务 |
PC销售不佳 厂商营数受损 (2000.11.23) 在Wit SoundView分析师提出圣诞假期消费型个人电脑(PC)的销售不如预期的警讯后,PC制造商Gateway与戴尔电脑(Dell)的股票便应声下滑。 Gateway的营收大多来自美国的PC市场,而一些专家认为,美国PC市场中,家庭用户的消费者占了60%,因此若PC于圣诞假期中的销售果不如预期,那么对于Gateway的营收将会大有影响 |