鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 4
-buibui buibui 0.0.268svn (2008.08.03)
Buibui (temporary name) is a portable internet messaging client using the Netsoul protocol for epit* schools. Bui's aim is to be portable, it works on Windows, Unix(*BSD) and Unix-Like (Linux) and soon Mac. And on your toaster in the futur
-buibui buibui 0.0.253svn (2008.07.21)
Buibui (temporary name) is a portable internet messaging client using the Netsoul protocol for epit* schools. Bui's aim is to be portable, it works on Windows, Unix(*BSD) and Unix-Like (Linux) and soon Mac. And on your toaster in the futur
-buibui test (2008.05.21)
Netsoul protocol client for *nix/windows Buibui (temporary name) is a portable multi-architecture internet messaging client using the Netsoul protocol for epit* schools. Bui's aim is to be portable. Aimed architecture are for now *nix (*BSD
HP赞助ePIT推动网络虚拟商品交易所 (2000.04.10)
HP与ePIT公司近日共同宣布一项合作计划,在HP技术与资金的力挺下,ePIT将大幅拓展因特网虚拟商品交易所(internet exchange)租易通服务。透过HP所研发适合因特网关键应用的基础架构,为企业提供B2B期货商品和金融方面的交易服务

1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相机具备 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
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