相關物件共 26
摩托羅拉:無線電數位化優勢明顯 (2013.07.09)
隨著越來越多企業使用無線電系統,在有限的頻譜之下,不少企業開始將類比轉換為數位式無線電系統,不僅能夠更有效的運用頻譜,同時也讓無線電有更強大的功能。摩托羅拉系統亞太區業務開發總監Daren Ng指出,在這波轉換潮中,台灣為亞太區腳步最快的國家,且雖市場成長速度快,但還未有爆炸性的成長,因此未來市場潛力大
四成企業考慮採用雲端 市場發展潛力大 (2011.10.04)
雲端服務已然是未來全球資訊科技發展的推動主軸,成為資通訊產品及資訊化服務的轉型要件,不過臺灣企業對雲端的認知似乎不如預期的高。根據資策會FIND 2011年Q3的調查發現,有5成的企業對於雲端服務不太了解,這是企業雲端服務使用率不高的原因之一
MYIT CRM 是一款 CRM 專案項目工具。-MYIT CRM (2010.11.14)
MYIT CRM 是一款 CRM 專案項目工具。
-Amix (2010.07.21)
Amix is lightweight business software written as a web application using Java Servlets. It includes customer relationship management, order management, invoicing, time recording and financial accounting. Amix is lightweight business software written as a web application using Java Servlets
-Small Business Office Management SBOMPS 0.9.3 Beta (2008.06.27)
Simple but flexible office management system, designed to deal with customer order management, stock management and financial reporting. Home page is a link to a working demo site.
NXP任命Karl-Henrik Sundstrm為財務長 (2008.05.19)
恩智浦半導體(NXP Semiconductors)(由飛利浦創建的獨立半導體公司)宣佈Peter van Bommel由於個人原因,決定不再擔任恩智浦財務長的職務並離開公司,然而他將繼續支持恩智浦與意法半導體成功創立的無線業務合資公司
-Small Business Office Management SBOMPS 0.9.2 Beta (2008.04.01)
Simple but flexible office management system, designed to deal with customer order management, stock management and financial reporting. Home page is a link to a working demo site.
凌華科技看好亞洲及全球產業設備自動化市場 (2008.02.29)
-Small Business Office Management SBOMPS 0.9.1 Beta (2007.12.22)
Simple but flexible office management system, designed to deal with customer order management, stock management and financial reporting. Home page is a link to a working demo site.
-Order Integrator Order Integrator 1.0.9 (2007.11.05)
Order Integrator is an order management program that allows you to import sales from osCommerce, eBay Blacktrhone, Amazon.com and Channel Advisor so you can ship them with Endicia Internet Postage and export them to QuickBooks
-Order Integrator Order Integrator 1.0.8 Source Code (2007.06.12)
Order Integrator is an order management program that allows you to import sales from osCommerce, eBay Blacktrhone, Amazon.com and Channel Advisor so you can ship them with Endicia Internet Postage and export them to QuickBooks
-GoaH GoaH-1.2.3 (2007.05.05)
Finnish language order management system. Written with Perl/Cgi. May be database independent, but tested only with Postgresql.
-small business office management Initial Specifications Document - V2.02 (2006.09.22)
Simple but flexible office management system, designed to deal with customer order management, stock management and financial reporting.
-LogiDist LogiDist EngineLite 1.0.0 (2006.05.24)
LogiDist offer a solution of "Computer Aided Logistic" with mostly informative purposes on executed pickups/delivery of merchandise. Is able to manage the whole process of purchase, order management, merchandise delivery to reduce distribution costs
-Contrack Order Management contrack 0.5 (2005.07.15)
Contrack is a web-enabled order-centric management software that supports the planning and management of the order's complete life-cycle. It supports order entry, contacts management, production planning and tracking as well as financial monitoring
-Open Trading Platform (OTP) 0.1.01 (2005.06.27)
OTP is stock brokerage software that contains receivers and simulators for NASDAQ, NYSE exchange quote feeds, order management system and back office. PotTrader front end for display quotes, trade stocks, options, portfolio management, level II quotes
SOA在組織應用上的意涵 (2004.08.26)
延續前幾期討論到的有關技術基礎及服務導向架構(SOA ;Service-oriented architecture)的優點,本文將介紹服務導向架構的組織應用。當服務導向架構的技術層面越來越受到重視,企業的組織應用可能會是最重要的課題
VoiceXML讓您瀏覽網頁動口不動手 (2004.07.26)
Commerce Server 2000 之訂單管理 (2001.09.01)
建構供應鏈的共同語言RosettaNet (2001.09.01)
企業間使用 RNet 做自動化的流程串聯,除了訂定資料訊息交換的標準,它一併將企業間的商業流程也列入標準的訂定,這是它在短時間內迅速被眾多企業採用的原因之一。

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1 Infortrend U.2 NVMe儲存系統賦能機場AI自助服務亭加速時程
2 Microchip為TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分驗證 IC
3 捷揚光電首款雙鏡頭聲像追蹤 PTZ 攝影機上市
4 igus新型連座軸承適用於太陽能追日系統應用
5 資通電腦ARES PP以AI文件解密異常行為偵測判定準確率達八成以上
6 意法半導體新開發板協助工業和消費性電子廠商加速雙馬達設計
7 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客製化服務
8 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
9 Tektronix全新遠端程序呼叫式解決方案從測試儀器迅速傳輸資料
10 Microchip新款PHY收發器擴展單對乙太網產品組合 實現網路互操作性


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