CTIMES / Electronics industry
Science and Technology
P2P-file exchange

"P2P", it simply is peer-to-peer-to peer-to-peer connection software ", which means" the use of the end "" Using end "(Client to Client) communications technology that allows all devices without going through the centralserver, will be able to directly Unicom spread information.
HIWIN Demonstrates the Smart Screw and Lubrication Detection at TMTS 2014 (2014.11.05)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS) 2014 kicked off on November 5th to 9th at Greater Taichung International, HIWIN Technologies has 100 booths and its slogan goes “welcome the smart automation era”, debuting the smart screw and lubrication detection technology
Goodway Showcases GTX-2000Y, a Multi-turret Turn-mill Machine at TMTS 2014 (2014.11.05)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — This year TMTS 2014, one of the most professional machine tool shows, is its third session. A series of conferences programs that demonstrate polybasic natures of machine tool sectors becomes an important highlight of the show
Huawei: Next Year China Cellphone Market to Slow Down (2014.11.05)
TAIPEI, Taiwan-According to Taiwan media reports, Chinese cellphone company, Huawei, has a conservative view of the cellphone market and believes that it will slow down next year. Huawei believes that the cellphone market in China is approaching saturation and next year the growth rate and sales will slow down
High-Res Chipsets Expand 3D Printing, 3D Machine Vision and Lithography (2014.11.05)
Texas Instruments (TI) announced the availability of two new high-resolution DLP chipsets for 3D printing, 3D machine vision and lithography applications. The new chipsets, consisting of the DLP9000 and DLP6500 digital micromirror devices (DMDs) and each programmable by the DLPC900 controller, offer developers higher resolution imaging, extended wavelength support and faster pattern rates compared to previous devices
Fastest, Smallest SSL/TLS for Microcontroller-Driven Applications (2014.11.05)
Real Time Logic has added the latest encryption and security updates to SharkSSL, its acclaimed high-speed, small footprint SSL-TLS product, to secure the interconnected IoT devices that are particular vulnerable to wide-scale attack
XYZprinting Invites Japanese 3D Printer to Lecture in Taiwan (2014.11.04)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — XYZprinting, a subsidiary of New Kinpo Group, in a bid to promoting 3D printing, which will invite the Japanese 3D printing expert Saori Hiramoto to Taiwan and give a lecture at New Kinpo's Shenkeng headquarter on November 8th, she will be guiding the 1,000 company members to make the amazing 3D printing work
Tong Hsing Electronic: Hybrid Integrated Circuit Will be Main Growth Driver in 2015 (2014.11.04)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Tong Hsing Electronic used to rely on the ceramic substrate as the driving force, however, it's been lower in growth so that the highlight hybrid integrated circuit will be its main growth driver in 2015, according to the company
ITU, GSMA and Internet Society Unite in Fight Against Ebola (2014.11.03)
At the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the GSMA and the Internet Society (ISOC), announced that they are joining forces in the fight against Ebola. The three organizations will bring together the global telecommunications and Internet communities
Chilisin Aims at Manufacturing Miniature Inductors and Molding Choke (2014.11.03)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Smartphones require more miniature inductors and components. A 3G smartphone may only need 15-20 miniature high-frequency chip inductors but a 4G one may require 60-90 pcs. It is therefore imperative to find ways to fit more components in the limited space of a phone or provide more space for batteries by down sizing the component size
Korean Participant Wins the MSI Beat IT 2014 Global (2014.11.03)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — MSI held the MSI Beat IT 2014 Global gaming contest for the consecutive 5 years, which ended on Monday. Korean participant Solar won the championship at StarCraft II, while Russian team players Virtus.Pro topped all the others at DOTA 2
New Contactless Position Sensor Provides Reliable, Software-Compatible Replacement (2014.11.03)
The new AS5601 contactless rotary position sensor from ams AG, gives designers an extremely reliable replacement for conventional rotary encoders, while providing a software-compatible incremental quadrature output. In devices which use rotary knobs, the AS5601 and its paired magnet may replace a rotary encoder without any change to the host microcontroller or its application software
Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park (2014.10.31)
Since July 2013, when it was designated a Free Economic Pilot Zone, the Ping­tung Agricultural Biotechnology Park has attracted 17 companies, including Loh­mann Animal Health, Ariake Foods, and T-Ham. Lohmann, the world’s fourth largest poultry vaccine manufacturer and an industry bellwether, invested more than NT$500 million in the park, estimating that it will create NT$2
Android or iOS? Expert: Stickness is the Most Crucial Part (2014.10.31)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Google's Android and Apple's iOS are operating systems used primarily in mobile technology, such as smartphones and tablets. Which one is better, this answer subjected to users. Android, which is Linux-based and partly open source, is more PC-like than iOS, in that its interface and basic features are generally more customizable from top to bottom
Smartphone Shipments Increase 25.2% in Q3, Samsung and Apple Hot Fight (2014.10.30)
According to IDC, new smartphone releases and an increased emphasis on emerging markets drove global smartphone shipments above 300 million units for the second consecutive quarter. vendors shipped a total of 327.6 million units during the third quarter of 2014 (3Q14), resulting in 25
New Renity Sentinel Software for Rity Series (2014.10.30)
Avalue Technology Inc. introduces a new Renity software for the Rity Series, called Renity Sentinel. Rity Series, which is dedicate in POS all-in-one terminal and expect to bring the market a new solution for this application
Macronix Announces Q3 Results, 36nm NAND Flash to Grow Fast (2014.10.30)
HSIHCHU, Taiwan– Macronix International Co., Ltd. today announced the unaudited financial results for the third quarter. Net revenues increased 35% sequentially and were similar to the third quarter 2013 to US$222.3 million
Wu Jin-rong: IoT Encourages Starting own Business (2014.10.30)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Wu Jin-rong, General Manager of Explore Microelectronics, said that Internet of Things (IoT) is being born under the advanced technology and the well-function Internet infrastructure so that people can go online anytime, anywhere
Shipments of 3D Printers to Reach More Than 217,000 (2014.10.30)
According to Gartner, worldwide shipments of 3D printers (3DPs) will reach 217,350 units in 2015, up from 108,151 in 2014. 3D printer shipments will more than double every year between 2015 and 2018, by which time worldwide shipments are forecast to reach more than 2
UWin Nanotech’s Hsu Ching-Hsiang Selected for Outstanding Young Person (2014.10.29)
TAIPEI,Taiwan-The Republic of China 52nd Annual Ten Outstanding Young Person’s Award Ceremony was held on the evening of Friday, October 24 in the multi-purpose Taoyuan Arts Center. UWin Nanotech Managing Director Hsu Ching-Hsiang, using his environmental metal stripping technological inventions, has destroyed the concept that gold can only be dissolved in highly corrosive aqua regia and highly toxic cyanide
Richtek's Wireless Charging has Been Certified by WPC Qi (2014.10.29)
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Richtek, a analog company in design and development of power management solutions for consumer electronics, computers, LED lighting applications, and communications equipment made great progress in wireless charging technology, which has been certified by Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) Qi

  Top Ten News
1 PICMG COM-HPC 1.2 Mini Brings PCIe 5.0, USB4 & 10 GbE to Far Edge
2 u-blox Introduces the Smallest Single-mode LTE Cat 1bis IoT Module
3 mechatronic systemtechnik GmbH Unveils Its New Technology Center in Fürnitz
4 u-blox Positioning Solutions Available on NVIDIA Jetson Edge AI and DRIVE Hyperion platforms
5 Grundfos and YCM Partner to Accelerate Smart and Energy-Efficient Machine Tool
6 NSTC Minister Meets with Czech Republic Minister of Science, Re-search and Innovation
7 ITRI to Cultivate Green Talents and Bridge Taiwan's Power Gap

