CTIMES / Electronic Science and Technology
Science and Technology
About the Bus specifications

Overall, the number of times the Bus specification standard is rising between mainframe computers and peripherals, data transfer speed, capacity and quality of the application process. Let's Introduction to several important bus application specifications.
Taiwan’s TMBA Drafting Machinery Industry Universal Specifications (2022.08.12)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessories Builders' Association (TMBA) yesterday updated the latest development of the industrial universal specification. The organization hopes to add value to the industry and expand its key influence by drafting the specification
TIRI and NCKU to Accelerate the Establishment of Startups in Taiwan (2022.08.11)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (TIRI) and the Innovation Headquarters of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to boost the academic technologies development and accelerate the establishment of startups
STMicroelectronics Releases Next-generation Bluetooth SoC (2022.08.11)
STMicroelectronics has introduced its third-generation Bluetooth® System-on-Chip (SoC), enhanced with Bluetooth direction finding technology for location-tracking and real-time positioning applications. By determining the direction of a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signal, the Bluetooth 5
ITRI Join Hands to Build Compound Semiconductor Industry Clusters (2022.08.09)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and Tainan City Government hold the “Compound Semiconductor Applications and Business Opportunities in southern Taiwan Forum” yesterday sharing related technologies and applications development
AAEON and Cogniteam’s Partnership Prove Modern Robotics is All About Integrations (2022.08.05)
Removing the burden of robotic integrations, AAEON has developed robotics hardware that is ready for the Nimbus drag and drop platform. “Developers can choose the quality AAEON hardware that’s right for them and significantly cut development time,” said Dr
ITRI and Tron-e Co-develop a Lane Keeping Assist System for Buses (2022.08.04)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) announced that it works with Tron-e, an electronic Bus manufacturer, to co-develop a Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS) for a bus. The key self-designed driver assistant system can system running at 30 to 90 KM/hour
VIS Facing the Pressure of Sale Price Cutoff (2022.08.03)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Vanguard International Semiconductor (VIS), an eight-inch IC foundry of Taiwan, said at its investor conference that it will take about four quarters for customers to process inventory adjustment and the company is facing the pressure of sale price cutoff
NHRI and ASUS to Promote Taiwan’s AI Biomedical Incubator (2022.08.02)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - To promote innovations in Biomedical development in Taiwan and expand the needs of research, enforcement the link between academia and industry, The National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) and ASUS Group form a collaboration by signing an MOU to support the development of AI innovations
Magnachip Launches 24V MOSFET for Wireless Earphone Batteries (2022.07.30)
SEOUL, South Korea - Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation Announces that the company has unveiled a new 24V Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) for wireless earphone batteries. The new 24V MOSFET addresses the goal of battery designers for long battery life after a quick charge by reducing conduction loss
Allianz Trade Machinery and Equipment 2022 Sector Outlook (2022.07.29)
As a highly cyclical sector, machinery and equipment is often hit hard and fast during slowdowns and recessions. As China went into festive season in late 2019, global exports started to decline and dipped to a low point of US$86 billion in April 2020 at the worst of the pandemic
Americas’ Chip Suppliers Continue to Dominate R&D Spending (2022.07.29)
Despite political and national security concerns about U.S. domestic semiconductor production, American companies continue to account for more than half of the global chip industry’s total spending on research and development, according to the latest annual analysis of R&D expenditures by IC Insights
MIC:Taiwanese Manufacturing Industry`s Spending Will Concentrate More on Manufacturing Execution Sys (2022.07.22)
Taiwan`s IT research institute MIC (Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute) conducted surveys in late 2021 with an aim to present estimates of IT spending in five major industries in Taiwan, including manufacturing, construction, finance, retail, and healthcare
CTSP Approves a New IC Packaging Factory Expansion of the SPI (2022.07.19)
YUNLIN, Taiwan - The Central Taiwan Science Park(CTSP) has approved a 4.5-hectare factory expansion program of the Siliconware Precision Industries(SPI). The total investment in the expansion is NTD$ 97.5 billion, and the annual revenue is expected to reach NTD$35
Siemens Energy and Tatung Cooperate on Wind Power Devices (2022.07.18)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Siemens Energy AG cooperated with Tatung company to manufacture the wind power gas insulated switchgear which will contribute to the sustainable development of the environment. The two companies will combine GIS gas insulated switchgear of Siemens Energy and the operating interface of Tatung company
STM and GlobalFoundries to Build New 300mm Fab in France (2022.07.15)
STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries announced they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create a new, jointly-operated 300mm semiconductor manufacturing facility adjacent to ST’s existing 300mm facility in Crolles, France
Samsung Electronics Launches Industry’s First 24Gbps GDDR6 DRAM (2022.07.15)
Samsung Electronics announced that it has begun sampling the industry’s first 16-gigabit (Gb) Graphics Double Data Rate 6 (GDDR6) DRAM featuring 24-gigabit-per-second (Gbps) processing speeds. Built on Samsung’s third-generation 10-nanometer-class (1z) process using extreme ultraviolet (EUV) technology
Market for Automotive SiC Power Components to Exceed US$1B in 2022 (2022.07.15)
According to TrendForce research, as more and more automakers begin to introduce SiC technology into electric drive systems, the market for vehicle SiC power components is forecast to reach US$1.07 billion in 2022 and will climb to US$3
HOLTEK New BD66FM5250 Brushless DC Motor Flash MCU (2022.07.15)
In expanding its presence in the Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor controller application area, Holtek announced its new BLDC Flash MCU, the BD66FM5250. This new device includes a back-electromotive force filter to ensure more stable control of the sensor-less square wave during startup and low speed conditions and also includes a hardware MDU to provide increased calculation speed
Acer: The Second Half of the PC Market Will Not Good (2022.07.14)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Acer's chairman said yesterday that the second half of the PC market will not be as good as last year, but still better than 2019. Facing the high inventory issue, Acer will take positive approaches and expect that inventory will be down to a regular level by the end of this year
Far EasTone and Donghua University to Develop 5G Smart Campus (2022.07.13)
HUALIEN, Taiwan - Far EasTone (FET) yesterday signed an MOU with Donghua University to develop 5G smart campus applications by deploying a 5G private network. In recent years, FET focuses on its 5G private network business and has obtained about thirty customers and one hundred projects ongoing, in which smart transportation and smart medical care applications are the most

  Top Ten News
1 PICMG COM-HPC 1.2 Mini Brings PCIe 5.0, USB4 & 10 GbE to Far Edge
2 u-blox Introduces the Smallest Single-mode LTE Cat 1bis IoT Module
3 mechatronic systemtechnik GmbH Unveils Its New Technology Center in Fürnitz
4 u-blox Positioning Solutions Available on NVIDIA Jetson Edge AI and DRIVE Hyperion platforms
5 Grundfos and YCM Partner to Accelerate Smart and Energy-Efficient Machine Tool
6 NSTC Minister Meets with Czech Republic Minister of Science, Re-search and Innovation
7 ITRI to Cultivate Green Talents and Bridge Taiwan's Power Gap

