Current Price:NT$100
Subscribe to year 12: NT $ 1,100 $
◎ Note: Electronic magazine must use a computer to read the following operating systems to operate
*In some areas, because of the network control may not be able to download the the Zinio software and test reading magazines, it is recommended to confirm whether the network environment in which you can download before you buy. |
ZinioElectronic magazine (Zinio Digital Magazine) presented a form of digital magazine content may also have, in addition to like paper this publication may be present static graphic, MP3, MPEG1, swf and other kinds of multimedia formats, both audio-visual and interactive features. In addition, using the latest copyright protection and digital publishing technology, the magazine into electronic files, readers may log in the ZINIO official website open my library "can be read online, or home desktop computers, notebook computers, and lithography The computer transmitted over the network to download and install a Zinio Reader reading software (free), you can read these magazines offline electronic files.
Q: Electronic magazines can only pay by credit card.?
A: Yes, CTIMES electronic magazine only accept credit card payments.
Q: Custom electronic magazine can unsubscribe.?
A: Yes, as follows According to Zinio refund policy:
Q: Read the electronic magazine required reading software installed?
A: Yes, currently used by the CTIMES digital magazine the Zinio reading platform support for Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS and Android platform. If you are using a mobile device, you can search in the Apple App Store "or" Play "store" Us "and download; Zinio website login account, if you are using a computer in general, and" I Zinio Tap the reader can line read, "for offline reading, please click on the following website to download free to read the proprietary software:Traditional Chinese version @English version @ Simplified Chinese
Small reminder: before the e-newsletter, you can download a free trial of this, make sure your computer and network environment can successfully download and read Q: Electronic Magazine in China can read?
A: Zinio the CTIMES digital magazine reading platform, because China network control, can not be read in the Chinese region, Hong Kong and Macao to continue its normal use.
We recommend that you first try to download a free trial of this, confirm that the use of the environment may be normal read and re-subscribe. Q: E-magazine content is identical to the print magazine?
A: Yes, identical to the electronic magazine with the content and layout of the print magazine.
Q: Electronic magazine content can be copied, share, forward, or print?
A: CTIMES Digital Magazines Zinio platform, allowed to take readers use the "Print" function; If you want to copy specific content, to download the Zinio Reader reading software, using the built-in "clips" function to clip you need.
Q: Electronic Magazine Download lifespan?
A: CTIMES Digital Magazines Zinio platform does not restrict the download of the account period.
Q: If you have subscribed to an electronic magazine is not in my library, how to get back?
A: If you have to log in to your account, but can not find what you are buying magazines, may be your subscription has expired, or if you do not accidentally delete the magazine. To restore the deleted magazine, "I removed the magazine" in "reading" option, select, and then click the "Edit" button, then click the "restore" button in the magazine to the the magazine moved back to the "stacks".
Q: Subscribe to the success of When will I receive my first magazine?
A: Electronic magazine of CTIMES and print magazine Chukan day on the 5th of each month, if you subscribe to the first issue has been posted, the system will automatically be the current magazine delivered to your account.