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CTIMESMedia introduction

Yuan Broadcast Information Co., Ltd. (CTIMES, hereinafter referred to as CTIMES) was founded in October 1991. With the development of the Taiwan semiconductor industry, it has also stepped up. To this day, not only has it widened the products and markets of manufacturers, but also penetrates into the innovative value of the industry's innovative value.

With the evolution of the industry, CTIMES has also continued to transform and develop. In recent years, the electronic industry has gone through the design and application of various systems or products.

In recent years, digital technology has developed rapidly, and the future world appearance and order will also be greatly changed. Not only the influence of AI and 5G, the intelligent applications of various spatial spaces will emerge endlessly. These technologies seem virtual but practical.

CTIMESMedia positioning

The pace of the times keeps advancing. In the era of analog circuits, which is based on traditional discrete components, the electronics industry has entered the era of digital information mainly based on accumulated circuits. With the development rhythm of semiconductor Moore's law, various electronic devices are becoming lighter and thinner.

The development of science and technology itself is a medium improvement. PCs make sound, images, and text processing improvement, and mobile devices such as mobile phones have allowed information transmission to reach no matter where they are.

In the future, CTIMES will not only continue to adhere to the confidence of media, that is, behavior and functional, but also make the content into a multimedia combination, so that readers have a refreshing reading experience.

core value

Science and technology are the characteristics of humanities, and humanities are the heritage of science and technology.With humanistic care, it will make technology kind and taste, and it will make yourself clear and others. What do you do?
Organizational structure

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