相关对象共 42
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Nothing but the web – Chrome OS (2011.08.01)
Google,一个以搜寻起家的公司,在美国时间2009年7月7日推出自家PC操作系统 - Google Chrome OS (以下简称Chrome OS),是一套以Linux kernel整合Chrome浏览器为应用开发平台的Web-based OS, 并在2010年12月,发表世界首款Chrome OS的笔电Cr-48,更于2011年6月与韩国三星和台湾宏碁共同合作推出了Chrome OS系统笔记本 - Chromebook
一款功能强大,易于使用和有吸引力的工具套件,来管理和组织数字图像和照片。-Picasa 3.8 Build 117.41 (2011.04.01)
一款由 Google 所开发于上传与管理 Picasa 网络相簿的有用工具软件。-Picasa 3.8 Build 117.16 (2010.10.22)
一款由 Google 所开发于上传与管理 Picasa 网络相簿的有用工具软件。
一款程序工具:下载相片photos services如Flickr或Picasa...等。-Photos Desktop Downloader (2010.10.17)
一款程序工具:下载相片photos services如Flickr或Picasa...等。
可让您建立灯箱式照片画廊从各种现成使用的模板来设计之软件工具-Visual LightBox 4.3 (2010.10.08)
-Wally (2010.08.24)
Wally is a Qt4 wallpaper / background changer, using multiple sources like files, folders, FTP remote folders, Flickr, Yahoo!, Panoramio, Pikeo, Ipernity, Photobucket, Buzznet, Picasa, Smugmug, Bing, Google, Vladstudio and deviantART images
是一款可以间隔时间自动切换您的桌面璧纸的工具软件-John`s Background Switcher 4.3 (2010.08.05)
将网络云端服务搜集于您的桌面的工具(如FTP,WebDav,Amazon S3,EMC Atmos,Box.Net,Google Docs,Picasa...)-Gladinet Cloud Desktop 2.3.392 (2010.07.20)
将网络云端服务搜集于您的桌面的工具(如FTP,WebDav,Amazon S3,EMC Atmos,Box.Net,Google Docs,Picasa...)
JK's Daily FaceBook Photo ---- 美國藝術家凱勒的臉書 (2010.07.05)
JK's Daily FaceBook Photo ---- 美國藝術家凱勒的臉書
我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急 (2010.06.09)
我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
从CEATEC看2010电子大势(三) (2009.10.15)
一款着重搜寻或分类大量数字照片的免费软件工具-Photology 2.0.117 (2009.08.19)
Bilora照片地理标记装置采用u-blox GPS方案 (2009.08.06)
德国相机配件制造业者Bilora,日前在庆祝该公司成立100周年时宣布,将推出一款以u-blox公司“撷取和处理”(Capture & Process)GPS方案为基础的「Bilora照片地理标记装置」(photo-geotagger)
-VideoThang 2.1.0 (2008.10.30)
VideoThang enables you to mix video clips with images and background music (.mp3), and save the result as MPEG file for sharing via email, web upload or file on your local drive. The program will automatically select the proper output format and size
-PhotoStacker 2.0.0 (2008.09.16)
PhotoStacker is a unique desktop wallpaper changer that allows you to browse local or online images directly from your desktop. It generates a scattered photo stack or a more organized tiled display of thumbnail images on your desktop and shows the full size photo when you click on a thumbnail
-Picasa Independent Album Exporter v 0.3 (2008.08.17)
PIAE is small utility which allows exporting all files from Picasa album with preserved desired pictures order
工研院南分院「仿真飞行」 实践飞行梦想 (2008.07.31)
-Picasa to flickr Button 3.0 (2008.07.20)
A Java applet and a cgi script that allow users to upload their photos from picasa to flickr. The "v2" version use a simple "pbz" file and the official flickr uploader application.
-Picasa Independent Album Exporter v 0.2 (2008.06.02)
PIAE is small utility which allows exporting all files from Picasa album with preserved desired pictures order
-ShareMedia 0.3.2 (2008.05.29)
ShareMedia is a photo manager (support for video and music is planned). Includes metadata editing, 3D viewing, automatic file ordering and sharing with your friends using the Jabber IM protocol or Picasa Web.

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