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UTAC and AEM Announce New CMOS Image Sensor Test System Solution

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2022年06月11日 星期六


UTAC Holdings announces a new test system solution for CMOS image sensors. The test solution was jointly developed by AEM.

Driven by the rapidly growing demand for advanced image sensors in applications such as security, automotive safety, autonomous vehicles, and industrial application, CMOS image sensor products are expected to significantly grow during the decade and beyond.

Assembly and test of CMOS image sensors is the primary focus area of growth for UTAC. UTAC is already in high-volume assembly production for image sensor for the automotive and industrial markets.

Chandran Nair, CEO AEM comments, “We delivered our fully integrated CMOS Image Sensor Test Cell to UTAC in 2021, complete with a tester, illuminator, and handler. As a global leader in test innovation, we deliver application-specific solutions based on common technology blocks to meet our customers' needs. We have a strong partnership with UTAC, and we believe that together we can provide world-class support for our customers to ensure their success.”

“We have been assembling and testing CMOS image sensors for a long time. This enhanced test solution will allow us to address forthcoming high-resolution devices as well as increase our test capability and throughput. This new system reinforces our commitment to provide next-generation, cost-effective fully turn-key assembly and test solutions to existing and future CMOS image sensor customers” said Dr. John Nelson, President and Chief Executive Officer of UTAC Group.

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