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Openfind OES 4.5版效能提升50% 打造大數據探勘引擎 (2018.08.20)
網擎資訊旗下Openfind Enterprise Search (OES) 搜尋引擎深耕市場已20多年,始終致力於解決企業在面臨資料搜尋上的沈重負擔,除了能針對巨量異質資料源查詢,在資訊安全意識逐年提高下,更同時做到組織權限控管,可在搜尋當下及搜尋結果設定權限,矢志成為最安全、便利、彈性的企業知識搜尋平台
VDMJ 提供 VDM-SL, VDM++ ,VDM-RT 工具支援和 VDM RT 規範語言,用Java編寫。-VDMJ (2011.04.23)
VDMJ 提供 VDM-SL, VDM++ ,VDM-RT 工具支援和 VDM RT 規範語言,用Java編寫。
提供Java 數據資料持久性和管理平台,允許聯邦數據以及 JDO 和 JPA 和 Web 服務介面工具。-DataNucleus (2011.04.01)
提供Java 數據資料持久性和管理平台,允許聯邦數據以及 JDO 和 JPA 和 Web 服務介面工具。
一款開放式辦公室(ODF)的郵件合併庫工具程式。-OOJMerge (2011.02.07)
一款用於生成動態文件和報告基礎上的OpenDocument格式(ODF),在Java的解決方案。-JODReports (2011.01.28)
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office (2010.06.14)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications. The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1
-OpenOffice.org Utility Library ooolib-python-0.0.16 (2008.07.31)
OpenOffice.org Utility Library modules for creating OpenOffice.org and Open Document Format (ODF) documents.
-fo2odf 1.2.1 (2008.07.08)
XSLT stylesheets and related tools to convert documents from formatting objects (XSL FO) to ODF format.
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 2.0 (Milestone 1) (2008.06.25)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-opendias opendias (2008.05.14)
Document Imaging Archive System. Home document imaging, with OCR. Scan documents (with SANE) or import ODF documents, assign tags. Use openDIAS to store all our letters, bills, statements, etc in a convenient, safe and easily retrievable way
-OpenOffice.org Utility Library ooolib-python-0.0.12 (2008.05.12)
OpenOffice.org Utility Library modules for creating OpenOffice.org and Open Document Format (ODF) documents.
-Sustainable web application evinroment susta-0.1 (2008.04.25)
LAMP web application which currently provides basic facilities to manage documentation concerning a company's human resources with an eye on software lifecycles. It produces ODF documents and reports. PDF output is supported through openoffice
-JDBReport Designer jdbreport-dt-1.1 (2008.04.11)
JDBReport Designer is a simple and powerful reports template editor. It can help you quickly create the required report, generate and print it or export to another format (HTML, ODF, Excel XML).
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.1 (2008.03.07)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-ODF-SVN 1.0a1 (2008.01.18)
ODFSVN is a set of tools that allow you to manage ODF documents in a subversion. repository
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.0 (2007.12.06)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release M5 (2007.10.06)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-OpenOffice.org Utility Library ooolib-python-0.0.10 (2007.08.31)
OpenOffice.org Utility Library modules for creating OpenOffice.org and Open Document Format (ODF) documents.
-OpenXML/ODF Translator Add-in for Office Release 1.3-M3 (2007.07.07)
The goal for this project is to provide translators to allow for interoperability between applications based on ODF (OpenDocument) 1.0 standards and Microsoft OpenXML based Office applications.
-OpenOffice.org Utility Library ooolib-python-0.0.9 (2007.06.30)
OpenOffice.org Utility Library modules for creating OpenOffice.org and Open Document Format (ODF) documents.

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10 凌華OSM開放式系統模組開啟嵌入式運算新紀元

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