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【CTIMES/SmartAuto 报导】   2018年12月06日 星期四


TAGARNO is now announcing a modified digital microscope solution, promoting ergonomically correct working conditions and new possibilities to inspect large PCBs with plenty of work space beneath the camera.


By incorporating a new lens and flex arm, compatible with the TAGARNO FHD ZAP digital microscope solution, the user is now able to be positioned directly in front of the camera, in an optimal working posture due to the placement of the flex arm, camera and control box as well as the monitor and the object itself.

The new Flex arm inline and Lens +2 enable the operator to use TAGARNO FHD ZAP with larger samples sized up to 600mm/23.62" in width. This is made possible because of the distance from lens to object with a +2 lens and the fact that the solution is integrating both the camera head and monitor on a table mounted flexible arm, freeing a large amount of table space.

The flexible part of the arm also enables the user to easily rotate and set the system completely aside from the working area if it is not in use.

This solution is ideal when inspecting large PCBs, where low magnification ranges are sufficient and the user wants the ergonomic advantages.

If necessary due to e.g. the height of the user, a circular tilting table will raise the object from the table and thereby create more distance between the camera head and the table, enabling the user to easier view the monitor.

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