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CTIA-Authorized OTA Wireless Signal Testing Lab in Taipei

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2016年01月14日 星期四


Facing robust communication testing requirements of smart handheld devices come with the next high-tech wave of the Internet of Things (IoT), iST announced launched its over-the-air (OTA) wireless signal testing lab in Taipei, which recently certified by TAF (Taiwan Accreditation Foundation) specific to the quality management system certification of ISO17025.

Meanwhile, iST also got approval for being one of the CTIA Authorized Test Labs from CTIA (Cellular Telephone Industries Association), the OTA standards setup institution. iST is now qualified to offer customers the OTA test, debug and certification services.

iST has been shifting its business focus from functional testing, e.g. failure analysis, material analysis, and reliability assessment of product life cycle, to professional services of compatibility testing.

The HDMI/MHL cable signal testing lab launched in middle of 2014 has become an authorized test center (ATC) licensed by the technique leading brand Simplay Labs at beginning of 2015.

In 2016, iST is expanding its business scope from HDMI/MHL cable signal testing to OTA wireless communication testing and entering the market of very core technology of IoT including SISO (single-input and single-output), MIMO (multiple-input and multiple-output), and Wi-Fi transmission testing of smart handheld devices.

That is, iST is the very first lab in Taiwan that can provide both wireless and wired testing and certification services.

Eric Yu, Director, Signal Integrity Business Unit, iST said, “As the function of smart mobile devices like cell phone and tablet becomes more and more powerful, and the cable and wireless networking have long been integrated in the same products.

Especially into the era of IoT, a variety of different cable and wireless techniques interconnect to each other, however, there is no organization be able to effectively integrate the two technologies. iST chooses to enter these two fields at this time is hoping to provide one-stop testing service in combining cable and wireless test for the customers.”

iST is recognizing the importance of speed and quality of wireless communication, the most convenient connection available to smart mobile devices of handset and tablet, which is the core of almost every application scenario in the everything-connected-to-everything future world.

Huge testing and certification requirements have arisen as terminal device suppliers set to ready product lines and OTA performance of products for winning out the next generation war of IoT.

The signal testing lab is not only equipped with cutting edge instruments and equipment but is also manned by team of members from veterans of leading IC design houses and smart terminal device suppliers.

Based on comprehensive experience and familiarity with range of standards and testing, iST is offering consulting services for providing solution and tailor-made testing environment installation to assist clients in getting certification and fast entry into target markets.

關鍵字: iST 
物聯網浪潮來襲 宜特OTA實驗室取得美國CTIA認可
宜特獲HDMI Cable認證資格,提供客戶取得防偽標籤
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