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Google Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary in Taiwan

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 籃貫銘 報導】   2016年10月05日 星期三


TAIPEI, Taiwan - Google today in Taiwan held a press conference and celebration ceremony of its tenth anniversary of stationing in Taiwan. Its Taiwanese supply chain partners including MediaTek and HTC had attended the ceremony to share the gladness of partnership.


To celebrate its 10th anniversary of branching in Taiwan, Google held a special five-day event from 6th to 10th October titled “10 Years of Good Time Special Exhibition”, to showcase Google's exciting experiences in Taiwan by using interactive video and experiencing devices.

In Taiwan, MediaTek is the one of supply chain members of Google’s Chromebook, and HTC is the OEM provider of Google’s latest Pixel smartphone.

Lee-Feng Chien , GM of Google Taiwan, said in the press conference that Google thanked all the partners’ support all the way through one decade of good times. And Taiwan is also one of few places where located Google’s R&D team, data center and hardware supply chains.

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