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u-blox Announces Ultra-compact, Feature-rich Bluetooth Low Energy SiP

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 报导】   2021年10月20日 星期三


u-blox has announced the ANNA-B4 module, a feature-rich, ultra-compact Bluetooth 5.1 system-in-package (SiP). ANNA-B4 targets applications in harsh environments such as smart lighting networks and industrial circuit breakers as well as indoor positioning use cases in manufacturing sites, warehouses, hospitals, and smart cities.


Anna-B4在内的6.5毫米乘6.5毫米,将Nordic NRF52833芯片组的功能与U-Blox在芯片组和模块设计中的专业知识中组合成一个紧凑而强大的组件。

The ANNA-B4 is available in two product variants. The first, ANNA-B412, is delivered with the easy-to-use u-connectXpress command API based on industry-standard AT commands for accelerated time to market. Superior security functionality including secure boot helps prevent malicious attacks by ensuring that only authenticated and authorized firmware and updates can run on the device.

The second variant is ANNA-B402, which features a powerful open CPU architecture for custom applications and adds support for the Zigbee and Thread wireless communication protocols. In addition to enabling concurrent communication over multiple wireless protocols, the module lets product developers build solutions using Bluetooth low energy, Zigbee, or Thread using one single module.

ANNA-B4 is a perfect fit for established use cases such as smart lighting networks that coordinate their light intensity in response to presence detection and ambient light sensors using mesh technology.



Engineering samples of the ANNA-B4 SiP will be available in January 2022.

關鍵字: Bluetooth  u-blox 
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