CTIMES / Electronics industry
Science and Technology
P2P-file exchange

"P2P", it simply is peer-to-peer-to peer-to-peer connection software ", which means" the use of the end "" Using end "(Client to Client) communications technology that allows all devices without going through the centralserver, will be able to directly Unicom spread information.
SDK to Expand VGCF Production Capacity for Use in Automotive LIBs (2016.08.12)
Showa Denko has decided to expand production capacity for VGCF(TM), carbon nanofiber added to cathodes and anodes of lithium ion batteries (LIBs) to improve electrical conductivity. Specifically, SDK will gradually increase its VGCF production capacity at Kawasaki Plant, Kanagawa Prefecture, from 200t/y at present to 300t/y by the end of 2017, to meet growing demand for large LIBs used in cars
Medical-Grade Monitors Designed for High-Quality Imaging (2016.08.12)
Advantech launched its new product line of medical-grade monitors – the PDC series. Specifically designed for healthcare professionals and medical applications, Advantech’s PDC monitors are high-quality imaging displays with user-friendly functionalities
IBM Researchers Use Grocery Scanner Data to Avoid Foodborne Illness Outbreaks (2016.08.12)
IBM Research announced its scientists have discovered that analyzing retail-scanner data from grocery stores against maps of confirmed cases of foodborne illness can speed early investigations. In the study, researchers demonstrated that with as few as 10 medical-examination reports of foodborne illness they can narrow down the investigation to 12 suspected food products in just a few hours
Allied eSports Announces Major Investment in North American Esports Arena (2016.08.12)
Allied eSports announced today that it has entered into a strategic investment partnership with Santa Ana, California -based Esports Arena. The partnership includes investment toward new Esports Arena locations in North America , with the first location to open in Oakland , and expansion of Esports Arena's broadcast capabilities in its Santa Ana location
Samsung to Provide 4th-Gen 64-layer V-NAND Flash Products in Q4 (2016.08.11)
At Flash Memory Summit 2016, held in the Santa Clara (CA) Convention Center, Samsung showcased its 4th generation Vertical NAND (V-NAND) and a line-up of high-performance, high-capacity solid state drives (SSDs) available for its enterprise customers as well as Z-SSD, a new solution providing breakthrough performance for flash-based storage
New USB Type-C Docking System Design Can Cut Solution Size in Half (2016.08.11)
Texas Instruments (TI) introduced a multiport USB Type-C and Power Delivery (PD) minidock reference design that provides audio, USB data, power and video support. This new TI Designs reference design can be powered by a traditional power adapter, USB Type-C adapter or notebook computer, offering end users flexible, intelligent functionality
TSIA Expects Taiwan IC revenue to reach US$74.9B in 2016 (2016.08.11)
According to the TSIA’s survey, the Q2 2016 Taiwan IC revenue as a whole (including design, manufacturing, packaging and testing) totaled US$18.6B, up 10.5% on-quarter and 8.2% increase on-year. In design, with US$5.2B (16
Galaxy Note 7 Opens New Opportunities in IR LED Market (2016.08.11)
The arrival of Galaxy Note 7 is expected to trigger a new round of hardware competition among smartphone brands as they will also likely to incorporate iris recognition into their flagship devices. According to the latest analysis from LEDinside, a division of TrendForce, iris and facial recognition features will gradually become prevalent in mobile devices
Acer’s Co-President of BYOC Smart Products Business Departs from Company (2016.08.11)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Acer announces that its president of BYOC Smart Products Business, ST Liew, will be leaving the company as part of his personal career planning. Maverick Shih, who currently co-heads the business with ST, will continue to lead the smart products business after his departure
VLP DDR4 mini ECC UDIMM series From Apacer (2016.08.11)
Apacer Technology has launched the VLP DDR4 mini ECC UDIMM which is especially designed for networking, telecom and industrial automation systems. Delivering advantages such as space-saving, high-speed data transmission and low power consumption, it is a perfect fit for network communication and embedded industrial automation equipment, optimizing high-performance cloud operating systems
New Cree MHB-B LED for High Performance Lighting Applications (2016.08.11)
Cree, Inc. introduces the XLamp MHB-B LED, a new high-power LED that enables a more effective way to deliver lower system costs for high lumen, high efficiency applications designed to meet the new DesignLights Consortium (DLC) 4
DRAM on Track to Be Worst-Performing Market in 2016, IC Insights Says (2016.08.11)
According to the latest report from IC Insights, declining shipments of desktop and notebook computers, the biggest users of DRAM, as well as declining tablet PC shipments and slowing growth of smartphone units have created excess inventory and suppliers have been forced to greatly reduce average selling prices in order to move parts
Notebook Shipments in H1 of 2016 Totaled 74.18M Units, TrendForce Says (2016.08.10)
Worldwide notebook shipments for the first half of 2016 fell just 4% year on year to 74.18 million units, according to global research firm TrendForce. Channel inventories returned to a healthy level in the second quarter. At the same time, there was a significant increase in stock-up demand due to arrivals of new notebook products and preparations for back-to-school sales in September
The Most Difficult Accomplishment of Pokemon GO (2016.08.10)
(圖一) “Pokemon GO” on August 6 hit the market in Taiwan. TAIPEI, Taiwan - “Pokemon GO” on August 6 hit the market in Taiwan, and just like it heats mobile phones processing temperature up, Pokemon GO became as hot an item as the temperature in Taiwan
APT Teams Up with IBM, Actility, Cisco to Promote LoRa Platform in Taiwan (2016.08.10)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Asia Pacific Telecom(APT), a telecommunications company of Hon Hai Group, yesterday announced an alliance of thirteen companies including IBM, Actility and Cisco to promote its IoT by GT platform. The platform uses Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) and 4G standard, supports the IBM, Actility and Cisco manage platform
Pilot Labs Announces Its Moorebot for Homes, Businesses and Office Use (2016.08.10)
Pilot Labs today announced its Moorebot, a robot for homes, businesses and office use, via IndieGoGo. It combines robotic technology and cloud intelligence with a “one eyed” camera design that can abstractly mimic human eye expressions
IBM, Vodafone India Announced a Five Year Agreement on Local IT Infrastructure Cooperation (2016.08.10)
IBM and Vodafone India today announced a multi-million dollar five year agreement for IBM to manage IT services support for Vodafone India’s IT infrastructure and applications environment. By bringing together Vodafone India’s enterprise data and cloud ready applications into a scalable environment that keeps data local
Highly Integrated Hall Sensors Reduce Systems Costs Considerably (2016.08.10)
The new Hall sensors of Infineon Technologies AG enable automotive, industrial and consumer electronics to meet strict environmental standards. Also, they help fulfil the requirements of very cost-effective and compact designs
Inotera Appoints Richard Mealey-Ozawa as Chief Financial Officer (2016.08.09)
Taoyuan, Taiwan - Inotera Memories, Inc. today announced the appointment of Mr. Richard Mealey-Ozawa as Chief Financial Officer, effective August 9th, 2016. Richard brings more than 20 years of professional finance and accounting experience to Inotera
D/A Converter Offers More Accuracy in a Smaller Footprint (2016.08.09)
Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) introduced the AD9164 D/A converter that brings high resolution radar images for designers of military and commercial radar while reducing solution component count. Additionally, for designers of precision instrumentation equipment

  Top Ten News
1 PICMG COM-HPC 1.2 Mini Brings PCIe 5.0, USB4 & 10 GbE to Far Edge
2 u-blox Introduces the Smallest Single-mode LTE Cat 1bis IoT Module
3 mechatronic systemtechnik GmbH Unveils Its New Technology Center in Fürnitz
4 u-blox Positioning Solutions Available on NVIDIA Jetson Edge AI and DRIVE Hyperion platforms
5 Grundfos and YCM Partner to Accelerate Smart and Energy-Efficient Machine Tool
6 NSTC Minister Meets with Czech Republic Minister of Science, Re-search and Innovation
7 ITRI to Cultivate Green Talents and Bridge Taiwan's Power Gap

