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【CTIMES/SmartAuto 报导】   2014年10月22日 星期三


Tollgrade Communications, Inc. and Lantiq announced today that they have partnered to offer broadband carriers a best-in-class, seamless and standardized line testing solution for Next Generation Networks (NGN).


The solution combines Lantiq’s MELT chipsets with Tollgrade’s LoopCare Operations Support System (OSS) software and allows telcos to migrate field proven and mature test expertise to the requirements of new all-IP networks.

The combination of Tollgrade's LoopCare software and Lantiq's industry-leading Metallic Line Testing (MELT) enables broadband service providers to execute seamless DSL testing that starts at the chip and ends with Tollgrade's trusted fault diagnostics and analysis software.

Half of all existing broadband lines in use today are tested using Tollgrade’s OSS software and more than 30 million shipped MELT lines use the Lantiq chipset (which represents nearly all IP-based DSL deployments today). With this partnership, customers benefit from the market leading expertise position of both companies as they migrate to Next Generation Networks to improve DSL performance.

Edward H. Kennedy, President and CEO, Tollgrade Communications said,

“This is a high-speed data driven world. As broadband service providers roll out NGN networks, it is imperative that they not lose the testing capability the industry has come to trust as its standard over the last two decades. With this solution, we continue to future-proof the investment broadband service providers make as they migrate to new DSL networks.”

Johannes Eiblmeier, Vice President and Head of the Voice and Telecom Products Business Line, Lantiq, said, “As broadband service providers continue migrating network infrastructure towards NGN architecture, the introduction of efficient and seamlessly integrated line testing software and chipsets is paramount.”

“With Lantiq’s MELT chipsets, carriers can perform PSTN-grade line testing even in all-IP networks. Single infrastructure IP-based networks for voice and data transmission require accurate measurements that can be directly performed, elaborated and processed by the Lantiq/Tollgrade offering.”

關鍵字: Tollgrade  Lantiq 
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