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New 450-V Linear Controller Simplifies Offline LED Lighting Design

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2014年10月14日 星期二


Texas Instruments (TI) introduced a 450-V linear controller that simplifies current regulation of high-voltage LED strings. The TPS92410 controller integrates a multiplier and tunable phase dimmer detection, as well as analog dimming inputs and drive circuit protection functions to ease design of downlights, fixtures and lamps powered from an offline AC or conventional DC power source.


The TPS92410 operates over a wide 9.5-V to 450-V input voltage range and functions as a standalone high-voltage LED string current regulator or pairs with TI's TPS92411 floating switch to provide power in mains AC linear direct drive applications.

Together, the TPS92410 and TPS92411 feature driver and LED circuit protection while providing an inductor-free, low LED current ripple lighting solution.

The TPS92410 includes an analog dimming input pin with LED shutoff to provide easy light intensity control in intelligent, MCU-based light fixtures using the ultra-low-power MSP430F5172 microcontroller or SimpleLink ZigBee CC2530 wireless MCU.


- Under-voltage lockout, MOSFET over-voltage protection and thermal foldback prevent driver and LED damage during fault conditions

- Compatible with legacy TRIAC and reverse phase dimmers in AC mains powered LED lighting applications

- On-chip, internal multiplier produces very high power factor correction at greater than 0.95 with within plus or minus three percent line regulation

關鍵字: TI(德州儀器, 德儀
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