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【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2021年07月14日 星期三


Holtek announced the release of a new device addition to its A/D with LCD type Flash MCUs range, the HT67F2355. The device includes an operating voltage range of 1.8V to 5.5V, a high accuracy internal oscillator, a higher accuracy A/D converter reference voltage, an IAP function and an LCD/LED driver circuit.


The device is suitable for LED/LCD product applications, such as temperature controllers, air conditioner remote controls, electric vehicle meters and household appliance control panels, etc.

In addition to having the full functionality of both the HT67F489 and HT67F4892, this new device has several enhanced MCU resources, including a 512 byte Data Memory, a 512 byte EEPROM, an IAP function, SPI/I2C interfaces and an LCD driver which supports up to 8COM × 28SEG LCD display sizes. The integrated high accuracy 4/8/12MHz RC oscillator now has a tolerance of ±1%. The reference voltage of the A/D converter is 1.2V with a high accuracy of ±1%.

As well as being utilised as a main product microcontroller, the MCU can also connect to other master ICs using their communication interfaces as part of an overall system. With their functional diversity, this device can be used in a huge range of home appliance control applications as well as automotive products to name but a few of the many application possibilities.

With regards to packaging, the device is supplied in 44/48-pin LQFP package types, of which the 44-pin LQFP package type is pin-compatible with the HT67F489.

關鍵字: MCU  holtek 
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