打造Android傳奇 (2009.09.21) 由Google發起投入的Android手機平台,在一呼百諾下,不僅成立一個開放手機聯盟(OHA),更由於Open Source精神的帶動下,相關的技術發展也成為業界最豐富的資源與最熱門的話題 |
-trakkcor trakkcor-0.3 (2008.06.30) trakkcor tracks your position via gps and submits the position data to your server. All you need is a j2me-compliant mobilephone which supports JSR-82 and an external gps receiver. |
-trakkcor trakkcor-0.2.0-beta (2007.09.17) trakkcor tracks your position via gps and submits the position data to your server. All you need is a j2me-compliant mobilephone which supports JSR-82 and an external gps receiver. |
-trakkcor trakkcor-0.1.1 (2007.03.08) trakkcor tracks your position via gps and submits the position data to your server. All you need is a j2me-compliant mobilephone which supports JSR-82 and an external gps receiver. |
-trakkcor trakkcor-0.1 (2006.11.28) trakkcor tracks your position via gps and submits the position data to your server. All you need is a j2me-compliant mobilephone which supports JSR-82 and an external gps receiver. |
當前智慧型手機作業系統大廠營運趨勢 (2006.03.10) 各家手機作業系統大廠都不約而同地強調本身的高開放性,並且致力於整合中低價位手機作業平台的優勢,以提高在各品牌手機的應用範圍,進而擴張手機作業系統的市場佔有率 |
Vodafone即將推出面部辨識高階3G手機 (2006.03.02) 根據日經BP社及其他外電消息報導,英商集團Vodafone日本分公司近日發表由夏普(SHARP)生產、世界首款最新配備VGA(480×640的螢幕解析度)液晶面板的高階3G手機Vodafone 904SH,不僅如此,這款手機還能辨識使用者的容貌,作為密碼驗證及防止犯罪的安全工具 |
gsmlib的使用介面, 並提供在SMS下傳送短訊功能-pyTkSMS 0.1 (2005.03.16) gsmlib的使用介面, 並提供在SMS下傳送短訊功能 |
10/4假日USB驅動程式設計訓練 (2003.09.22) 在USB晶片進入外商與台系IC設計公司的競價混戰後,已出現歷史新低價,加上USB 2.0的加強功能OTG(On-The-Go)介面強調可以達到點對點的連結,讓行動裝置未來不需經過個人電腦或筆記型電腦即可互傳檔案 |