相關物件共 9
一款Microsoft Outlook附加功能的工具程式(垃圾郵件篩選器)-Spam Reader 3.0 (2010.09.23)
一款Microsoft Outlook附加功能的工具程式(垃圾郵件篩選器)
Openfind新版MailBase進化搜尋,提升企業資安 (2008.05.16)
國內軟體廠商網擎資訊(Openfind)推出新版MailBase 2.8版,將大幅提升索引效能與搜尋能力。除了加強信件索引與資料庫的自動修復與還原(Self-Adaptive Failure Recovery)能力,更支援模糊比對(Fuzzy match)與精準查詢(Exact match),為企業高階主管、資訊部門與稽核人員的管理需求,提供更具效能的郵件調閱與歸檔管理
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.6 (2008.01.30)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.5 (2007.11.22)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.1 (2007.07.20)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.0 (2007.05.11)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express (and Windows Mail) is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-Aggressive Spam Defense 2.3 (2005.03.27)
Aggressive Spam Defense can keep your inbox clean by deleting unsolicited emails before they reach your inbox. It comes pre-configured to detect most common spam, and can further learn from your usage, and also easily be customized
打擊垃圾郵件 電子郵件郵政體系醞釀中 (2004.03.02)
上個月比爾.蓋茨曾預測說,如果實行郵件付費制度,那麼,兩年之內,垃圾郵件的問題就將由根本獲得解決。 目前雅虎正在評估由矽谷新成立公司Good mail公司開發的電子郵件郵政體系,讓大量郵件的發送者為每封郵件買一張1便士的“郵票”,並借此向收件人確認郵件的發送者是否真有其人
SPAM防治技術剖析 (2004.01.15)

1 Microchip全新車載充電器解決方案 支援車輛關鍵應用
2 [COMPUTEX] Supermicro機櫃級隨插即用液冷AI SuperCluster支援NVIDIA Blackwell
3 [COMPUTEX] 慧榮全新USB顯示單晶片 搶攻多螢與超高解析擴充市場
4 R&S推出RT-ZISO隔離探針測量系統 用於快速切換信號精確測量
5 安森美第7代IGBT模組協助再生能源簡化設計並降低成本
6 貿澤即日起供貨Renesas搭載RISC-V CPU核心的32位元MCU
7 安勤為自主機器智能打造新款 AI 工業電腦
8 凌華科技ARM開放式架構觸控電腦正式上市
9 FlexEnable柔性顯示技術創新產品目前已出貨
10 Littelfuse新款低側柵極驅動器適用於SiC MOSFET和高功率IGBT


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