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Diskeeper是一款全自動碎片整理引擎工具,它取代了標準的Windows碎片整理程式。-Diskeeper Pro 2010 14.0 Build 951 (2011.03.10)
革新快閃記憶體邁出下一步 (2008.11.05)
市場對於主流非揮發性記憶體、特別是NAND Flash獨立儲存應用仍有廣大需求動能,短期內市場對NAND Flash及SSD的發展規模漸趨保守,長期發展前景仍舊維持審慎樂觀。NAND Flash在奈米微縮可擴充能力(Scalability)、儲存覆寫次數耐久性(Endurance)和資料保存能力(Data Retention)的侷限,使其面臨技術上和經濟上必須革新的關鍵
Diskeeper公司發佈Undelete 2009新產品 (2008.10.14)
全自動磁碟資料重組產品,Diskeeper公司在台發表Undelete 2009,為用戶提供即時資料保護和恢復功能。不慎刪除或覆蓋的檔案會耗損及浪費公司的時間和金錢。全新的Undelete 2009採用InvisiTasking專利技術,能夠在桌上型電腦或伺服器的背景執行並恢復檔案
宇瞻科技推出內含磁碟重組軟體的SSD (2008.09.24)
Apacer與Diskeeper合作暨技術發表記者會 (2008.09.18)
-Diskeeper Pro 2007 (2007.03.31)
Diskeeper is a fully automatic defrgmentation engine that replaces the standard Windows defragmenter which runs only manually, consumes high resoureces and rewquires full administrator privileges to operate. Diskeeper constantly monitors and maintains your systems maximum performance, using the fastest defrag engine
-Diskeeper Pro 2007 (2006.12.22)
Diskeeper is a fully automatic defrgmentation engine that replaces the standard Windows defragmenter which runs only manually, consumes high resoureces and rewquires full administrator privileges to operate. Diskeeper constantly monitors and maintains your systems maximum performance, using the fastest defrag engine

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