AI代理技術正迅速成為企業創新與提升競爭力的重要推動力 (2024.11.20) 隨著數位化轉型加速,企業對於高效解決複雜業務挑戰的需求日益增加。在此背景下,AI代理(AI Agent)技術正迅速成為促進企業創新與提升競爭力的重要推動力。
台灣 IBM 技術長莊士逸指出,AI代理是一種具有自主性和推理能力的人工智慧系統,能在動態業務環境中執行多步驟的複雜任務 |
微軟全新自主agents賦能團隊實現更多拓展性 (2024.10.22) 為每個組織導入以AI為核心的業務流程,微軟推出全新agent功能。以Copilot Studio 創建的自主agent功能將於11月開放公開預覽,此外,微軟更在Dynamics 365中推出十個全新的自主agents,以全面提升企業銷售、服務、財務和供應鏈團隊的生產力 |
VicOne導入亞馬遜 AWS生成式AI 加速實現汽車風險管理新生態 (2024.08.19) 以數位資訊為核心的AI應用正在重塑各行各業,就連傳統汽車產業也逐漸從封閉走向開放式的生態系,陸續加入自動駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)、智慧座艙、車聯網等新興應用,然而開放環境也肇生了資訊安全的疑慮 |
鴻海歡慶50周年 探索AI 2.0時代發展 (2024.07.23) 鴻海研究院今(23)日舉辦「AI NExT Forum」,為歡慶鴻海成立50周年,今年的論壇特別以「鴻海50年‧智慧新紀元:生成式AI與未來創新」為主題。探討議題從AI 轉變到2.0時代的變化,到效率與能耗對生成式AI發展的瓶頸,企業規模將由運算力重新定義等,論壇中鴻海也首次對外同步揭露集團三大平台在AI運用的階段性成果 |
AWS擴展全託管基礎模型服務 協助客戶建構生成式AI應用 (2023.07.30) 亞馬遜旗下公司Amazon Web Services(AWS)近日在紐約峰會上宣布全面擴展其全託管基礎模型服務Amazon Bedrock,包括新增Cohere作為基礎模型供應商,加入Anthropic和Stability AI的最新基礎模型,並發布變革性的新功能Amazon Bedrock代理(Agents)功能 |
微軟攜手台灣人工智慧實驗室 策動AI醫療新未來 (2023.04.26) 為加速台灣醫療院所的數位轉型,台灣微軟與台灣人工智慧實驗室(Taiwan AI Labs)今(26)日宣布攜手合作,共同簽署合作備忘錄。藉以提高醫護同仁的生產力,提升訊息橫向溝通整合、醫療服務品質與病人安全管控,協助落實台灣智慧醫療創新臨床場域應用,共同促進台灣醫療院所的「次世代醫療平台」建置與升級 |
工程師必須關心的2020年AI/工業4.0關鍵趨勢 (2020.03.27) 科學家和工程師能藉由專業領域知識在AI專案取得某種程度的成果;然而,若利用如自動標記等工具來快速地處理龐大、高品質的資料集,將是進一步成功的關鍵。
隨著取得了現有深度學習模型與研究並加以持續改進,科學家與工程師得以在人工智慧(AI)專案得到更大範圍的成果 |
NVIDIA全新研究成果透過AI創造互動世界 (2018.12.05) NVIDIA (輝達)今日宣布發表突破性的AI研究成果,使開發者首度能運用從真實場景影片訓練學習而得的模型,透過系統自動繪製出完全合成的互動式3D環境。
機構研究人員透過一個類神經網路即時運算出 3D環境的合成影像 |
樂高機器人知道怎樣在短時間玩出魔術方塊來 (2010.06.21) 樂高機器人知道怎樣在短時間玩出魔術方塊來 |
-QASE 2.4.8 (2008.03.31) QASE is a Java-based API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.4.2 (2007.11.17) QASE is a Java-based API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-Artificial General Intelligence Sim 1.0.0-beta (2007.08.13) AGISim is a framework for the creation of virtual worlds for artificial intelligence research, allowing AI and human controlled agents to interact in realtime within sensory-rich contexts. AGISim is built on the Crystal Space 3D game engine |
-QASE 2.4 (2007.05.11) QASE is a Java-based API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.2.1 (2007.01.10) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.2 (2006.10.20) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-JRideIt jrideit-0.1 (2006.10.14) An open simulation of the casino game "let it ride" written in Java. Runs AI agents that play the came and statistically tracks their success. Also has a command-line interface for playing the game. |
-QASE 2.1.9 (2006.08.14) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.1.5 (2006.02.20) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-QASE 2.1 (2005.12.16) QASE is a comprehensive API designed to provide all the functionality needed to create game agents in Quake 2. Powerful enough to facilitate high-end research, it is also suitable for undergrad courses geared towards classic AI and agent-based systems |
-Spirit Development Kit 0.0-a5 (2005.10.16) Spirit Development Kit is a sdk for development of artificial intelligence softwares. Includes a library of ai algorithms for resolution of problems and more a framework for modelling and simulations of agents. |