[專欄]物聯網的真正關鍵:IoT Open Architecture (2015.05.07) IoT 過去著重在 M2M 使用情境,現在則開始跨入 Machine to Web 的情境。在。這是 IoT 開始與 Web 融合的階段,產業?把這個使用情境稱為 Web of Things(WoT)。WoT 之所以重要,在於他開始讓 Web 實體化 |
再論開放硬體及其授權方式 (2013.09.26) 目前在「開放、開源」領域裡,依觀察可大致分出四類開放的共工領域,依發展時序來分,第一為聚焦讓電腦程式碼能夠自由被修改與再散布 (modify & redistribute) 的自由開源軟體,其在授權的面向上,反應在諸多的自由開源軟體授權條款上,例如常見的 GPL、MIT、BSD、MPL、以及 Apache-2.0 即為著例 |
提供一款先進的圖形用戶界面工具,使得它比較容易修改Windows Vista 的引導程式。-EasyBCD Free (2011.12.12) 提供一款先進的圖形用戶界面工具,使得它比較容易修改Windows Vista 的引導程式。 |
-QCJSON (2011.01.29) QCJSON is a free, open source, JSON string creator and parser implementation for Java available under the BSD license. QCJSON is safe to use in multi-threaded apps and supports encryption. |
-MSPDebug (2010.08.04) MSPDebug is a free debugger for use with MSP430 MCUs. It supports FET430UIF, eZ430, RF2500 and TI Chronos devices. It can be used as a proxy for gdb or as an independent debugger with support for programming, disassembly and reverse engineering |
-Shapley (2010.05.15) Shapley is a compilation of free PyGTK networking tools written by Maxime Labelle and distributed under the BSD license.
PIPCalc: Simple yet sometimes handy IP subnet calculator. (v1 released)
PIrc: IRC Client for the vision impaired |
Android技術變革及開源社群應用趨勢 (2009.01.06) 以Android為首開放手機概念的出現,也宣告「Mobile 2.0」時代正式來臨。Mobile 2.0 與網路服務(web service)的整合也將會是相當重要的項目。如何將社群上大量的使用者意見與討論,轉化成更貼近或更符合消費者需要的產品,將是決定性的能力 |
-Remote File Access RemoteFileAccess_Version1.0 (2008.07.05) Access file system using the basic file and directory operation of the Server Operating System from the Client Operating System using Remote Procedure Call. Client OS : Linux Server OS : Free BSD 6.2 |
-Remote File Access RemoteFileAccess_Ver0.1 (2008.04.17) To mount file system of the one OS to another OS, using Remote Procedure Call Mechanism.(free bsd)Unix file system to be mounted on Linux machine, using the RPC as programming language.
SERVER : Free BSD 6 |
74種開放源碼的VoIP應用與資源 (2007.05.25) 開放源碼的VoIP有什麼好處呢?因為使用者得以存取相關的內碼,了解實際內部運作的流程,政府也能發揮公權力,管制追查不法者的勾當,並保護一般大眾的隱私。再者,Open Source在VoIP方面的資源相當豐富,仍提供更多先進與多樣化的應用 |
-Stratagus 2.2.4 (2007.04.10) Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy game engine, capable of playing against human or computer opponents, network or local. It can be used to build RTS games similar to C&C, WC2, AOE, and Tzar and runs under Linux |
-Stratagus 2.2.2 (2007.01.15) Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy game engine, capable of playing against human or computer opponents, network or local. It can be used to build RTS games similar to C&C, WC2, AOE, and Tzar and runs under Linux |
用來建立並維護Maven 1.x專家系統專案的開發工具-Deputy 2.0.3 (2006.11.30) 用來建立並維護Maven 1.x專家系統專案的開發工具 |
-Stratagus 2.2-alpha (2006.11.04) Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy game engine, capable of playing against human or computer opponents, network or local. It can be used to build RTS games similar to C&C, WC2, AOE, and Tzar and runs under Linux |
-Stratagus 060217 (2006.02.18) Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy game engine, capable of playing against human or computer opponents, network or local. It can be used to build RTS games similar to C&C, WC2, AOE, and Tzar and runs under Linux |
用來建立並維護Maven 1.x專家系統專案的開發工具-Deputy 2.0.0 (2006.02.06) 用來建立並維護Maven 1.x專家系統專案的開發工具 |
FreeBSD 最新 Port 使用列表-FreeBSD port manager 0.4.1 (2005.12.17) FreeBSD 最新 Port 使用列表 |
-Free Pascal Compiler 2.0.2 (2005.12.11) A 32/64-bit Pascal Compiler for AmigaOS, DOS, Linux, *BSD, OS/2, MacOS(X) and Win32; semantically compatible with Borland Pascal 7 and Delphi with additional features such as operator overloading. The compiler itself is written in Pascal |
-Port BSD tulip driver(s) to Darwin OS darwin_tulip-src-1-2-0 (2005.10.03) Help port the tulip driver from free/net/openbsd to Darwin OS. So far the driver is written to the ADMtek 985 clone chipset and the PNIC 82c169 chipset. Due to IOKit's object-oriented design, the code can be easily subclassed to support new chipsets |
-stratagus 050927 (2005.09.28) Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy game engine, capable of playing against human or computer opponents, network or local. It can be used to build RTS games similar to C&C, WC2, AOE, and Tzar and runs under Linux |