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討論 新聞 主題﹕光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃

Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.07.09 12:04:26 PM
文章主題: 光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃
【台灣光纖普及率 要超越韓日---轉述 udn 】 資策會FIND資料顯示,截至2009年上半年,台灣光纖家戶普及率達19%,名列全球第四,僅落後南韓、日本與香港。官員認為,台灣土地小、人口密集,光纖普及率應可超前南韓與日本。
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.28 11:19:16 AM
文章主題: Re: 光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃

Intel's Optical Breakthrough Downloads an HD Film in a Second, Literally

Intel's Optical Breakthrough Downloads an HD Film in a Second, LiterallyTransfer a song to your phone. Seems pretty fast, right? Now imagine transferring the entire printed catalog of the Library of Congress in a minute and a half. Intel says they've got the technology to make it happen (eventually).

Intel detailed their breakthrough to the press at an event today, marking the milestone of impressive 50 gigabits per second transfer speeds using an underlying technology that could go much, much further. We've covered the promise of fiber optic speeds before, but nothing like this. Intel CTO Justin Rattner explained just what "silicon photonics" even means, why the world needs it, and what it promises in the near future.

Silicon photonics is, simply, the combination of optical technology with traditional silicon chip manufacturing techniques—the same processes used to make all of our CPUs and GPUs. By employing existing methods, turning data into light and back again will be affordable.

The fundamental process is that of transferring data by converting electrons—which are what make the device you're reading this on right now work—into photons. Intel's photonic technology uses a dazzling bit of engineering—and I do mean dazzling, as we're on the scale of your fingernail—to encode data into laser streams. These streams converge into one, and travel along a fiberoptic strand to their destination, where they are decoded from light back into electrons.

Intel's Optical Breakthrough Downloads an HD Film in a Second, Literally

Why would we need anything as complicated and sophisticated as this? The fact of the matter is that we're nearing the limit of what we can do with electrons—and there's no arguing with physics. Once we get in the realm of 10 gigabit transfer speeds, we've pushed copper wiring about as far as it will go without degrading the signal beyond usefulness. And with the mind boggling volume of data swirling around—HD movies, lossless audio, high resolution photos—what might sound excessive today will be essential sooner than we think.

Intel's fiber connection, on the other hand, can take us farther and faster. Immensely so. At the speed Intel has announced today, you could download an HD film from iTunes or 100 hours of music in less than a second. And if they reach their theoretical potential of 1 terabit per second, you could slurp down three seasons of an HD show or backup your entire harddrive in the same amount of time.

Intel's Optical Breakthrough Downloads an HD Film in a Second, Literally

Rattner said Intel hopes to have silicon photonics "widely deployed" by mid-decade, though holding one's breath in cases like this is usually a bad idea. We asked Intel, after hearing them tout the advantages silicon photonics offers for consumer devices, whether we could expect to see this technology replacing USB within this timeframe, prompting them to stress that the significance of the breakthrough is in its potential, not its concrete applications—commercial adoption will hinge on the market and manufacturing factors. Still, they have proven the technology works, and works well. For now, I can safely say that they have preemptively ruined USB 3.0 for me. [Intel Silicon Photonics Research]

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.30 12:25:46 PM
文章主題: Re: 光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃




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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.15 11:22:41 AM
文章主題: Re: 光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃

感測系統新發明 「光纖」 品質佳














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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.20 12:09:01 PM
文章主題: Re: 光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃

速度有望達 100Gbps:英特爾在以色列國防軍繼續展示光峰光纖接口


    以色列國防軍 2010上,英特爾繼續展示著自己極為看重的光峰光纖接口技術,並擺放了兩套演示平台。

光峰技術是在整整一年前的以色列國防軍 2009上首次宣布的,由蘋果提出創意,英特爾具體開發,目前傳輸速度高達 10Gbps的,未來更可提升至100Gbps,而且單條線纜同時支持多種不同協議,並支持菊花鏈,延遲也很低。在英特爾的規劃中,光峰值將在未來一併取代USB接口,HDMI接口,DisplayPort的等各種傳輸接口,事實上這也是英特爾遲遲不肯原生支持的USB 3.0的重要原因之一。

這次的第一套展示系統重點是一台仁寶代工製造的筆記本,與一台的Avid高清的I / O轉接盒相連,另外還有一個配備輕山頂接口的西部數據外置硬盤,一個 HDMI接口適配器,同工傳輸 1080p的全高清視頻,走遍的戴爾顯示器還在播放另一端未經壓縮的視頻。

英特爾解釋說,光峰可以讓 Avid公司轉接盒將不同協議的控制轉交給仁寶筆記本軟件,充足的帶寬則可以輕鬆傳輸未壓縮的超高碼率高清視頻,無損音頻。



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.11.17 11:26:31 AM
文章主題: Re: 光纖網路將大開滲透率 新舊建築通吃

光纖上網成主流 用戶數超越ADSL



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